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duration 9:38
Girlfriend's Vore & You're Next! video from Delilah Dee
Girlfriend's Vore & You're Next! by Delilah Dee This is a custom video, no names are used. Female to Female. "Video begins with you burping and rubbing your belly while giggling that it's finally happened. The girl in your tummy finally accepted that she is food, and now, she gets to slowly melt away inside a superior woman like the perfect little piggy she is. Because that's all she ever was. Mmmmmm, just a piece of pork destined for your belly. And destined to be toilet trash. You can't remember what the name of this piece of meat was, but it doesn't matter. All that matters was how good she tasted, and how good she looked when you were done preparing her. You remind the camera what it's just seen, namely you seasoning up her girlfriend, sticking an apple in her mouth and swallowing her whole. This time from head to toe, because you've recently learned you like to feel legs kicking as they're hanging out of your mouth, and toes twitch just before the final gulp. Although you liked savouring her other assets. Sadly your latest meal didn't have big tits, but mmmmmm, her ass! Her ass was just so big and heavenly. You only just learned that your tongue can slide up and around a big piece of meat like that, and oh, did you savour that ass. You wish you could have just kept it in your mouth forever, but you just had to get it into your belly. You then press your belly to the camera so she can hear her girlfriend's final screams. You laugh and then show her the apple and the salt that you going to decorate her with tomorrow when you have her for dinner. Feel her final agonising moments, knowing that she is about to become your morning dump. That in the end, that was all she became. Someone else's dinner, then into the toilet. Then a fade to black followed by a scene on a toilet where you pretend to push out the fully digested girlfriend, or have just finished doing so. Either way you sigh contentedly, flush the toilet, and then point the camera to where the girlfriend has just gone, and where the other girl is going to end up. Then you confess all this is making you hungry, and you don't think you can wait for dinner. Mmmmmm, you need to find other girl, and turn her into your breakfast. Maybe you'll show her this video first. And maybe, just maybe, it will be the girlfriend of last night's dinner."
duration 10:04
Belly Stretch Marks and Scars Transformation video from BlackxRose92
duration 32:00
Overweight to Underweight to Chubby Overeating to Gain Weight Journey video from BlackxRose92
Overweight to Underweight to Chubby Overeating to Gain Weight Journey by BlackxRose92 This is the first chronicle in my weight gain journey as I've gone from overweight to underweight, and am now pursuing a chubby, squishy, thick goal. Before stuffing my face, I show off my belly and waist, noting how extra teeny tiny it is lately and commenting on how visible all of my ribs are. I really need to gain weight and want to see how many pounds I can put on, but the first step to achieving that is eating as much as I can, as often as I can. Being a nerdy book worm, I love reading for hours and hours, which makes for an easy excuse to eat a ton of foods for a really long time. I've got my giant romance novel, a big serving of home cooked dinner, and a triple serving of a mega protein packed strawberry cake that I made fresh. My cake is so hot that the steam is still sizzling when I show off my too trim belly from all different sides with my sweater pulled up and my tights pulled down to emphasize how desperately I need to get chubby and gain plenty of weight to stay healthy. The food budget is going to be tight with me eating double and triple meals for the next few months, but my husband has reassured me that I need to stuff my face every single day and to continue increasing meal sizes for months until I gain enough weight to stay soft and overfed comfortably. I'm starting with bigger portions and moving on to adding in extra meals, extra servings, and extra sweets to get the weight gain going. I finish off my dinner with mostly no problems, attempting to unshrink my poor little tummy, but struggle with finishing every single bite of my cake to join the clean plate club. Eventually my bowls are held up for inspections, then set aside to show off the drastic change in my bloated belly from what it was before in its starving, ravenous growling state before I stuffed my face full of food. Some of the gurgles in my belly quickly turn into burps and belches, but a few swigs of my water has me burping deeply as the digestion begins to kick in hard and fast, leaving my stuffed tummy distended and tight, but still in need of more food as I yawn and comment in between burps about having a snacknap after closing my sex book.
duration 17:31
The Accidental Digestion video from BlackxRose92
The Accidental Digestion by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "We live in a world composed of giantesses and humans coexisting together. Giantesses are obviously the dominant species on the planet and have a long history of eating humans, but, in modern times, the only humans allowed to be consumed are ones that give their written or recorded verbal consent. There is also a porn industry dedicated to giantesses and the humans they dominate, which is a lucrative source of income for humans brave enough to do it. I’m a tiny human whose wife has convinced me to become a human porn model to get more money so we can start a family , but what I don’t know is that she secretly has a huge vore and toilet fetish. T he real reason we’re having money problems is s he has secretly been spending huge amounts of money on porn, and she really just wants to see me get eaten. You are my wife’s favorite giantess porn producer and you work with two types of humans depending on the type of film you’re making. They always need to consent to be eaten, but there is also a special group that will consent to being digested too. These are much more rare and valuable, so giantesses always take the opportunity to get one, and the humans’ families get paid a huge sum of money after they’re eaten. My wife has conspired with you to not only pressure me into consenting to being eaten in a film, but also to trick me into consenting to be digested; that way you’ll get to make a more valuable “ real digestion” film (plus get a meal out of it) while my wife will get a ton of money and also get off to seeing me get eaten. First scene: 5 minutes You’re standing above me, and you welcome me to your studio, commenting on how delicious I look and how you’re viewers are just going to LOVE watching me get gulped down into your gut (you pat your tummy). After this, you tell me that, during the clip, I’ll get swallowed whole and then coughed back up after t he camera cuts , so I have nothing to worry about. You then say you’ll need to record my verbal consent to being eaten to make sure you don’t get in trouble, so you aim your phone at me, and tell me to repeat after you: “ I give my full consent to be swallowed by Rose.” I agree and say that to your phone camera. Second scene: 5 minutes You look down at me with a smile, tell me your name is Rose, and greet me warmly. Seeing how excitedly I greet you back, you look curious and ask me why I’m so excited; aren’t I scared? You are very amused by this little misunderstanding, so you play along, pretending to be the Goddess. You say that, as a Goddess, you are pleased that my people have kept up the traditional retelling of your story so that they may be ready to serve your body. Showing off and rubbing your tummy, you tell me how hungry you’ve gotten after all these years, and you ask me if I am ready to feed you . I say I’m ready! Turning around, you show off your ass and me if I’m ready to be turned into your digestion matter and to be squeezed out of your perfect ass. I say that I’m ready! Lowering your face down to me, you demand that, if I’m ready, I should repeat after you: “ Rose, I give you my full consent to digest me.” I say it. Smiling, you say, “That’s perfect; now walk in!” You open your mouth, and I walk in. GULP! Third scene Now lounging you’re slowly rubbing/patting your tummy and occasionally belching while you enjoy the feeling of having me in your stomach. I’ve been in there for about 10 minutes now, and you suddenly feel me start to twitch a little bit. Surprised and amused, you say that I’m probably wondering why you haven’t spat me up yet. You then proceed to explain that you’re not going to be gagging me up; my WIFE was the special client! She set up this whole thing because she has a secret vore fetish and wanted to see me get eaten while get ting rich in the process! I scream, and it’s assumed you can hear me when I say that I didn’t agree for you to digest me! You’ll go to jail! You respond to this by asking me if I remember how, during the video, I gave you consent to digest me? You even showed off your tummy and ass to make it clear I was gonna be your booty funk, and I still consented! You tell me to face the fact that I’m LEGALLY FOOD now, and the only difference between me and your burger from lunch time is that I’m not in your intestines yet. Finally, you tell me that, as a special request from my wife that you wouldn’t normally accommodate, you’re going to digest my remains into her garden. So that part was actually true; I really will be fertilizer tomorrow!"

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