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duration 23:01
Don't Feed The Babysitter! video from BlackxRose92
Don't Feed The Babysitter! by BlackxRose92 Custom video: " I’ve been watching your videos for a couple years now. I love the way you do vore, and I love the way you burp, and I’d like those to be combined into one perfect video. > Here is what I picture. The end result is 6 people swallowed whole in total with a crazy amount of belches. (4 little ones and a set of 2 adults.) You have a babysitting gig with 4 little ones. The adults let you have whatever food you need and so you empty the fridge (off camera) and come back with a huge belch and rubbing your belly. (Making it look like you’ve eaten everything there is.) Suddenly you realize you are starving! And the adults did say you could have whatever food you needed... so when one comes downstairs to see you standing in the kitchen, you eat them all! When eating someone the pattern is pretty simple. Camera to mouth where we hear a bunch of intense swallowing and gulping, a sigh to signify they person has been swallowed, and then a giant belch where the camera is launched out of the mouth as if it’s something from the person eaten. (Could be clothes or electronics or jewelry, doesn’t matter to me) From there we get to see the belly get bigger. I’d like it to be as if someone was really in there with your belly stretching disproportionately. The key here is the burping. I’d like as much as possible. Probably one every 10 seconds, and the best you can muster. A line to explain this is “I know people make me gassy *burp*, but I just can’t *BUUURP!* help it!” So you swallow the four little ones but that isn’t enough. So you wait for the adults to return, and wait in the bathroom in the tub. That’s where the husband goes and where you swallow him. Once you begin belching like crazy, it alerts the pregnant wife who comes in where you comment on a two for one dessert deal and swallow her. Then you make your way to the bed to burp off your meal with as many belches as possible where it fades ends. I’m much less interested in the story/talking. I’d much rather have it be swallowing and burping, emphasis on burping!" Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored

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