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duration 16:04
Tight On Options: Part Two of Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals the Deal! video from BlackxRose92
Tight On Options: Part Two of Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals the Deal! by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "Part Two "Tight On Options" from "Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals the Deal!" Setup: Your friends and co-worker have talked to you about letting yourself go. You dress frumpy and do not care about your weight gain. You eat whatever you want. You just blow off all the comments you get and ignore what people tell you. Script You just finished dinner and you're rushing to get ready. You want to look sexy for Brad, your soon to be business partner, and put on a few different skirts that used to fit you. You stop after trying to get the first one on and realize that everyone was right. You did put on some weight and let yourself go. You say "I have to look sexy for this guy ( because you're single) to impress him and make him fall head over heels for me". So you put on a mini skirt and suck in your belly. Then a tight sexy blouse. You're out of breath from the tight skirt pushing against your belly Also you put on tall stiletto heels that you haven't worn since before the weight gain and day full of overeating. You look in the mirror in pain and having a hard time standing/walking in heels while rushing for time. Also you belly hurts from not being able to breath. You say to your self "how am I going to walk and wear this outfit to my dinner meeting. I can't breath and these heels are hard to walk in." You say "I have no choice and need to look sexy and I'll just have to deal with it the best I can". You stumble in the heels almost falling a bunch of times walk to the car after grabbing your purse. All the while out of breath because you spent too much time trying on clothes that are too tight." Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are not
duration 13:30
The Day Off for Binging: Part One- Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals the Deal! video from BlackxRose92
The Day Off for Binging: Part One- Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals the Deal! by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "Part One: The Day Off for Binging from "Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals the Deal!"" Your friends and co-worker have talked to you about letting yourself go. You dress frumpy and do not care about your weight gain. You eat whatever you want. You just blow off all the comments you get and ignore what people tell you. Script One day you get a message from your boss that you have a client coming to have a meeting with you on a potential deal while your eating a late dessert on your day off. Your boss says that your my best worker there and you always do right by the company and everyone's profits. Your boss tells you that he will be there around 6 tonight to meet with you and if you land the deal, you're getting a major bonus on your next promotion. You ask your boss who you meeting with one on one and he tells you it's Brad from the upcoming company for the newest merger. You think "oh my gosh the sexy guy that has stopped in here, *clear throat*, I mean no problem I'll be ready quickly." So you finish dinner and you rush to get ready. Basically you let yourself go, replacing sex with food and sexy clothes with worn out pajamas. You realize that but it's too late and you have to pretend to be a skinny woman, wearing a tight skirt,top and waking in heels which you have not worn in a while. The belly and feet hurt because of them being too small and not used to wearing heels. You meet Brad and fake being hungry ( even those your super full from your day of eating junk food) in the following scenes." Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 31:08
Bloated, Promoted, and Bursting at the Seams: Part 4 of Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling Overfed Exec video from BlackxRose92
Bloated, Promoted, and Bursting at the Seams: Part 4 of Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling Overfed Exec by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "Part Four "Bloated, Promoted, and Bursting at the Seams" " from "Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals the Deal!" Setup: Your friends and co-worker have talked to you about letting yourself go. You dress frumpy and do not care about your weight gain. You eat whatever you want. You just blow off all the comments you get and ignore what people tell you Basically you let your self go. You realize that but it's too late and you have to pretend to be a skinny woman wearing a tight skirt,top and waking in heels which you have not worn in a while. The belly and feet hurt because of them being too small and not use wearing heels. You meet Brad and fake being hungry ( even those you're super full from a long day of overeating) and shove food down your throat and start to gag from the facestuffing. All the while you try to pretend nothing is wrong while your trying to sign Brad on as a new client and seduce him. Also your not use to wearing heels so you have a hard time walking in them and your belly hurts the whole time. You continue to eat but in so much pain about to gag you dose off. Trying to get down the food and not gag from making yourself finish the food to not be rude. You realize Brad has asked you a question and you did not pay attention to him say and just say yes. Brad just okay I'll get the cake and I'll bring it back and we'll go our papers to sign after dessert. Your eyes get so wide and you try to stop Brad but no use. You somehow manage to eat all the cake and make the deal, landing you a huge bonus and a sexy new business partner. You're leaving when undo your skirt, shirt, and heels in agonizing pain. You can barely breathe and your belly is so round from all the overeating. Finally Brad walks back and sees you all undone with your belly sticking out over your skirt. Your shirt raised up and your heels on the ground and you barefoot with your hair down and a total mess. You say o my God o my God get out get out. Brad says okay okay let me grab my keys and get out. You say I'm sorry I could not do it any longer. I'm so full and this skirt, top and heels are hurting me. The guy says you should have told me this. You say I just wanted to make a good impression to have you signed with our company to work with directly. Brad says if you're going to go through all this trouble then I'll sign and work as your personal associate. All the while your in so much pain. You thank him but ask him to never speak of this to anyone ever again."
duration 65:57
Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals The Deal! video from BlackxRose92
Stuffed, Signed, and Struggling: Overfed Exec Seals The Deal! by BlackxRose92 Custom video:" THIS IS THE FULL CUT Your friends and co-worker have talked to you about letting yourself go. You dress frumpy and do not care about your weight gain. You eat whatever you want. You just blow off all the comments you get and ignore what people tell you. Script One day you get a message from your boss that you have a client coming to have a meeting with you on a potential deal while your eating a late dessert on your day off. Your boss says that your my best worker there and you always do right by the company and everyone's profits. Your boss tells you that he will be there around 6 tonight to meet with you and if you land the deal, you're getting a major bonus on your next promotion. You ask your boss who you meeting with one on one and he tells you it's Brad from the upcoming company for the newest merger. You think "oh my gosh the sexy guy that has stopped in here, *clear throat*, I mean no problem I'll be ready quickly." So you finish dinner and you rush to get ready. Basically you let yourself go, replacing sex with food and sexy clothes with worn out pajamas. You realize that but it's too late and you have to pretend to be a skinny woman, wearing a tight skirt,top and waking in heels which you have not worn in a while. The belly and feet hurt because of them being too small and not used to wearing heels. You meet Brad and fake being hungry ( even those your super full from your day of eating junk food) in the following scenes. You just finished dinner and you're rushing to get ready. You want to look sexy for Brad, your soon to be business partner, and put on a few different skirts that used to fit you. You stop after trying to get the first one on and realize that everyone was right. You did put on some weight and let yourself go. You say "I have to look sexy for this guy ( because you're single) to impress him and make him fall head over heels for me". So you put on a mini skirt and suck in your belly. Then a tight sexy blouse. You're out of breath from the tight skirt pushing against your belly Also you put on tall stiletto heels that you haven't worn since before the weight gain and day full of overeating. You look in the mirror in pain and having a hard time standing/walking in heels while rushing for time. Also you belly hurts from not being able to breath. You say to your self "how am I going to walk and wear this outfit to my dinner meeting. I can't breath and these heels are hard to walk in." You say "I have no choice and need to look sexy and I'll just have to deal with it the best I can". You stumble in the heels almost falling a bunch of times walk to the car after grabbing your purse. All the while out of breath because you spent too much time trying on clothes that are too tight Once in the office you stumble in the heels. You say hello to the front desk, out of breath and stumbling in front of them you hurry to your office. You get to your office room and complain about your belly being in pain and your feet hurting in these heels while a mess. Also looking like a dork in front of people trying to look sexy sucking in my belly and stumbling in heels. Then you page your front desk lady that if Brad shows up let me know and I'll be right out. You take off your heels and adjust your skirt and top so you can breath. As you're struggling to adjust your appearance, you get a page from the front desk lady. She tells you Brad is here. You tell her to give me 3mins and I'll be there. So you rush to put back on the skirt and the top but struggle. Now in more pain then before you adjusted the skirt. You put on the heels and again almost fall. You stumble to meet Brad. You go to the desk and greet Brad all sexy and tell him to follow you this way. You try to act sexy while your walking to the meeting room but look ridiculous because you're trying to suck in your belly and walk in heels but stumble constantly. You get to the meeting room and see a table with food on it. Your eye get wide because you're in pain in your belly and feet from overeating all day long. You stumble in heels and suck in your belly to look skinny at the business dinner. You try to sit down but are in pain. You make yourself to sit while you almost fall in the heels. When you sit down, you giggle and smile at Brad. You ask Brad why is there food on the table. He said that I have not eaten dinner and I assume you have not either. We might be here for a while so I got us both dinner. You again see the food on the table and not even hungry (after eating a huge dinner and dessert already at home) grab your stomach and almost gag thinking about eating more. You do not want to be rude to Brad so you try to eat everything on your plate and talk to him about possibly signing on with them while you stay focused on getting the food down. Also your feet and belly are straining through the tight business skirt. You continue to talk while you continue to eat and strain not to gag. Brad asks you if everything is okay. You say yes I'm good and very excited for this deal. Now in even more pain you adjusted yourself to try to help get rid of some pain from the tight skirt and top. While doing this you're talking to Brad. Brad again asks if you are okay. Also you try to cross your legs but the pain is too much from your bloated, overfull belly. You sexy say yes sweetie. Finally you shove your legs crossed and make a sound from being in even more pain. You continue to eat but in so much pain about to gag that you start to nod into your plate. Trying to get down the food and not gag from making yourself finish the food to not be rude. You realize Brad has asked you a question and you did not pay attention to him say and just say yes....Then he brings out a huge slice of cake. You continue to eat but in so much pain about to gag you dose off. Trying to get down the food and not gag from making yourself finish the food to not be rude. You realize Brad has asked you a question and you did not pay attention to him say and just say yes. Brad just okay I'll get the cake and I'll bring it back and we'll go our papers to sign after dessert. Your eyes get so wide and you try to stop Brad but no use. You somehow manage to eat all the cake and make the deal, landing you a huge bonus and a sexy new business partner. You're leaving when undo your skirt, shirt, and heels in agonizing pain. You can barely breathe and your belly is so round from all the overeating. Finally Brad walks back and sees you all undone with your belly sticking out over your skirt. Your shirt raised up and your heels on the ground and you barefoot with your hair down and a total mess. You say o my God o my God get out get out. Brad says okay okay let me grab my keys and get out. You say I'm sorry I could not do it any longer. I'm so full and this skirt, top and heels are hurting me. The guy says you should have told me this. You say I just wanted to make a good impression to have you signed with our company to work with directly. Brad says if you're going to go through all this trouble then I'll sign and work as your personal associate. All the while your in so much pain. You thank him but ask him to never speak of this to anyone ever again." Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 4:06
Summer Fetish Fisting Fun Part 4 video from Ladyvampira
duration 12:47
The Gassy Housewife video from BlackxRose92
The Gassy Housewife by BlackxRose92 It started out like any other romance, a typical marriage, and your young wife was busy trying to get pregnant anyways so her slow paced lifestyle seemed only natural. Really though, you enjoyed watching her lazy habits, especially when she sat on the couch all day and saved her energy for you. All you ever wanted was a happy wife that kept her feet up at home and fucked you whenever you wanted, but oh man, she really loved that couch a little too much. Your wife loved that couch so much her butt became imprinted on it from sitting over the years. You've watched her transform before your eyes, a belching beauty, that gradually became filthier as she grew heavily rotund with multiple pregnancies and mothering. She felt more comfortable burping and scratching on the couch in borrowed pajamas at first, but then began wearing her own large cotton dress every day because she was too lazy to change out of it. She said it was more comfortable for the pregnancy curves and the stretchings out of motherhood, but as you watched her sit around on the couch, it became obvious it was just because it was easier to scratch her ass when wearing less clothing overall. Her maternity was spent the same as the newlywed and early days, sitting around on the couch with her feet up, eating any snacks in sight, with food wrappers and dust piling up all around her as housework was largely ignored. Your wife just sat there in the middle of it all, belching deeply, scratching her genitals, and eating still. It was hard to tell what she did more of, eat or burp, but she really enjoyed it. Her days were spent on the couch eating and belching with abandon. She hardly wore anything at all, but somehow managed to keep it all covered up until date nights. The longer you were married, the more she really let loose, farting, and snacking continuously, even yelling out at reminder at you in passing about romantic plans that evening in between picking her ears and nose, and burping. Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored

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