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duration 9:57
Inflated To Burst video from BlackxRose92
Inflated To Burst by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "*Scene based on an old slapstick comedy movie in which the detective has to save his ex girlfriend detective from her ex boyfriend detective while she's naked in the shower. The detective pushes the bad guy out of the bathroom into the hall where they wrestle and the bad guy ends up with a hose in his mouth, in which the detective quickly turns on the water, inflating the bad guy until he pops like a water balloon.* She is sneaky, but not fast enough, because just as Rose is tiptoeing in, she gets caught! The metal hose is teased above her red lips as she gasps in alarm. It all happened so fast that it felt like slow motion as she saw the hose coming at her face, right towards her open mouth, but she was unable to close her lips in time. Unable to cry out, Rose's mouth is plugged with the hose which WHOOSHES in a loud rush of air. Her body inflates quickly, and makes her face balloon out with puffy cheeks as she expands. The stretching of her body is noisy as she transforms from a slim stomach to a bloated belly that keeps growing and growing. It grows right out of her shirt! It pushes so hard that the buttons just open right up and stretches her dress to its max. Rose tries to pull the hose out of her throat, but it's now been jammed too far down as she feels her entire body inflating. The expansion is so intense that Rose can only flail about as her heavy bloated belly weighs her down. She struggles under the weight as the hose continues pumping her fuller and fuller, tighter and tighter, until she feels like she could explode at any moment!"
duration 13:56
Eating Guys Night In video from BlackxRose92
Eating Guys Night In by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "We are both dating, and you’ve started eating all my friends that come over to the house. I find out you’ve been eating them during guys night, and you convince me that it’s something that I should want or else you’ll eat me. Feel free to add any farting and burping to any scene because that’s the part of vore that I really enjoy. So tonight was the first day that you ate one of my friends, but I didn’t know about it. There were hints that I should’ve known because of how you clogged the toilet and you had bad gas. The video begins with me not being at home and a friend of mine coming into your private room when you just got home from work. You are annoyed at being interrupted and eat him for coming into your room. Then it skips to when I come home while the rest of the guys are playing video games and being noisy downstairs and messy in the kitchen. I come home and you greet me as your belly starts to bloat and expand. You tell me that you're sorry that the house smells so bad because of all the gas you've been letting out, but I don't notice anything unusual. I ask how your day has been and you tell me that my friend came over when you were so tired from work. You fart and burp during our conversation and drop hints that you ate him, warning me that you'll be eating anybody else who dares come into your room. I eventually figured out that you ate him, and you told me about the other friend that you ate who wandered too far past the kitchen when looking for snacks. I become frantic and tell you to spit him out only for you to tell me that it’s too late because he's already being digested. You tell me that it’s a good thing you are eating people because it fills out your curves and gives you a sexier body, even though you'll have to take a few days off work to digest fully. You tell me that I can either accept that you eat people, or I can join them. You talk about how I need to invite more people over to the house because you want to start a garden out back and you need a lot of “natural” fertilizer. You then excuse yourself to go outback to let out the remains of the meal from earlier after having eaten all the guests from guys' night, only to eventually eat boyfriend POV as well."

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