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duration 12:43
Belching HiccupBurps video from BlackxRose92
Belching HiccupBurps by BlackxRose92 I've got lots of gas, and these burps are rumbling out of me in deep belches. Do you want to smell them as they come out from between my sexy red lips? There's so many that they just keep coming. I can feel the burps gurgling around in there, until....wait! HICCUP! Did I just give myself the hiccups?! Oh my! HICCUP! Oh wow, now I'm having the hiccups and belches that are coming back to back repeatedly. The spasms on my body are so intense, that I can feel the ripples of my hiccups and belches vibrating through my belly. It makes me yawn to have such intensely deep hiccups and burps. They start to merge, melding into each other until my hiccups cause belches that turn into hiccupburps that come one after another, making huge yawns push from my mouth. My red lipstick covered lips open wide in huge belches and yawns as the hiccup push their way out in between and interrupting my yawns. I can't hold them back, and when I try to stifle my yawns, the hiccups prevent my yawn from finishing. I strip off my clothes and encourage you to masturbate while I giggle about my newfound hiccup powers. I know I promised I'd let you fuck the hiccups out of me this time, but there's just so many of them in between the burping and yawns that it starts to take a toll on my body, shaking my belly so hard that I can barely catch my breath. In the midst of my belching hiccup fit, my belly starts to growl with demands for dinner. You'll have to cum hard and fast before my hungry tummy yells for the food it craves, because if you don't, the hiccups will cease under the pressure of my stomach's pleas for food!
duration 7:12
The Explosive Expansion: Belly Inflation Gone Terribly Wrong video from BlackxRose92
The Explosive Expansion: Belly Inflation Gone Terribly Wrong by BlackxRose92 Lately I've lost a lot of weight, a really, really unsafe amount, and I really do NOT want to be too skinny. Confession: I was so much happier with my body when I was overweight. Actually, I was the happiest with my body when I was fat, and I made more money when I was very chubby and had large, full breasts. Now though, this health problem situation has me losing weight, and I'm really not happy with that at all. My doctor wants me to gain weight, but hasn't given me any advice. I've decided to take matters into my own hands. My research has come back with a few solutions, some of which are totally absurd like "just believe you will gain weight and you will!" and some that may be risky, but viable. I've come up with two solutions, an air pump and lots of calorie filled snacks, or these unknown supplements. Ideally, I'll gain weight first in my ass and tits, according to the supplements I swallowed before dinner. However, I'm not seeing much of a noticeable difference so far. I check my abdomen to be sure, but my stomach still looks way too tiny! I can still see my ribs, and my belly is so shrunken.... Maybe it takes awhile to work? The bottle was small, only containing one little bitty swallow-able bit, with no instructions. After inspecting my waistline, I pull my shirt back down and start theorizing about how else I could gain weight quickly if this doesn't work. Hmm, that's odd. I'm starting to feel bloated. My butt and boobs still look the same though. My thighs and arms are still scrawny. Wait! No! My tummy! It is inflating! Literally inflating!!! I can feel and SEE my belly growing by the second. It feels like I'm bloating up like a balloon, and very quickly. Wow! It's uncomfortable, and my skin stretches so tight that my baggy dress quickly becomes TIGHT. Even my innie belly button pops out and becomes distorted! Woooooooa! I look very pregnant like this. It's not a bad look for me at all, very heavy belly with everything else small, but not bad by any means. I'm uncomfortable, but I could quickly adjust in time to the heavy, bloated feeling and then.....BAM. My belly explodes and I'm....... Don't forget to watch the BLOOPERS after the credits! ;)

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