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The Dream: Step Mommy Body Swap

photo of Lizzy MaestroLizzy Maestro

18:00 | Added 23 hours ago

$4.50 Add to Cart Save 75% Today! Normally $18.00 18 Tokens Use Tokens

Step-mommy Lizzy just got home from work and she is exhausted. She comes home to the dishes not being done again! So, Lizzy decides to write her son a note to tell him to wash the dishes while she's gone. She has to go to a bridal shower for her friend, or she would be doing the dishes right now. Lizzy can't stress out about it, so she gets dressed and leaves. After a few hours, Lizzy returns only to find the dishes not done again. There's a note on top of her note saying he'll do it later. Lizzy wishes she could trade places with her son. He has it so easy. Lizzy goes to lay down and feels funny. Wait a minute!


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