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duration 27:13
Petra is Nutted in the VIP video from Bigsexy Films
Petra is Nutted in the VIP by Bigsexy Films I'd met Petra aka @princess_petra at the club before, so I knew she could be fun. I'd been traveling for work and so hadn't had a chance to go visit her for far too long. I was excited to see her, and I think she was excited to see me, too. We started with the usual lapdance things. Squeezing her amazing, firm breasts, spanking her sexy round ass, sucking on her nipples. But then things got more familiar. I rubbed her pussy through her g-string, and she started stroking my cock through my pants. She pulled the strings to the side of her bottoms and off they came, and I started playing her her fat, gorgeous pussy. It really is a site to behold! I was salivating, so I asked her to sit on my face so I could taste that delicious quim. She did so, and I devoured it, fingered it, turned her around so I could lick it from behind, lick her perfect little asshole. I couldn't take it any more and asked her to grind on my cock. We started with it in my pants, but we both knew that wouldn't last long. I pulled the pants down, and she got astride my lap in reverse cowgirl and then slid her wet pussy up and down the shaft of my cock. And then it slid in, bare, no condom. Just like I knew she would. She was so tight, wet, and hot that I almost unloaded right then! I had to ask her to take it slow. I asked her to turn around, and she rode me cowgirl. Then, I asked her to suck my cock. She didn't hesitate getting down on her knees and taking my hard cock into her mouth. She sucked my cock and balls until I just had to fuck her more. I took off the pants, had her lie on her back on the chair, and got down on her knees to fuck her. The view was amazing! And it felt even better. I unloaded into her warm pussy, filling her the brim, and it dripped out after I pulled out my cock. Once again, Petra gave me an incredible lap dance!

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