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duration 109:01
REAL 4K Japanese Amateur Asian Homemade 1-hour 42-minute Creampie Scene #23-15 video from Jay Bank Presents
REAL 4K Japanese Amateur Asian Homemade 1-hour 42-minute Creampie Scene #23-15 by Jay Bank Presents Hello Everyone! I'm sure many of you have been wondering if I'm still on the Planet or not.. well, I most certainly am! Here is the latest edition to my Japanese Amateur Catalog. The beginning of this Scene has a little over 30 minutes of a very loose unscripted conversation that I had translated (from Japanese) with English subtitles. The model can't speak English but I had a translator that facilitated the conversation. All of the East Asian Amateurs Scenes starting around #23-7 have the long conversations. I thought that would be cool to just talk, especially since 1/2 of the conversation is in Japanese. The actual Scene is very long but there are also a few slow parts that I decided to leave in. She got a little exhausted about 40 minutes in (I don't blame her) so she just laid on top of my for 7 minutes. I was going to cut that out but then I figured it's only 7 minutes, and it's unique and natural. It's not unique in 'real life' of course, but it's unique for video production. Personally, I like real stuff, whether music, adult video, art, etc. I can't stand fabricated 'follow the leader' 'lets-do-what-they-want' type stuff. I'm not interested in any of that garbage. I digress... this Scene ends in a Creampie (because I'm not a loser) so rejoice in that! This model also has two more unreleased Scenes but I'm going to focus on getting out a ton of the American videos I've been sitting on. For 2025, ALL of my unreleased catalog will be released. There are about 30 Scenes or so not counting any of the Japanese content. I was saving them for my own site but that got cancelled for a myriad of reasons. I decided to release everything this year and simply shoot more for my future site. I have also upgraded all of my cameras to 4K so going forward everything will be shot in 4K with very good cameras (the Scene in this post had about 1/2 of the cameras upgraded, and though it's all 4K, some of the GoPros don't really look good. The color is jacked and I don't know how to fix that. I diligently tried to fix it though, and I improved it a bit, but it doesn't look as good as the new set of Sony's I use now. PS - This model has 3 Scenes released thus far, ALL with Multi-Camera Angle UnCut Bundles Available! The new Scene also has an UnCut Bundle. I will link to all of them below. Thank you! Creampie Scene #23-1: https://apclips.com/jaybankpresents/japanese-4k-osaka-s-first-amateur-creampie-scene-23-1-jay-bank-presents Creampie Scene #23-7: https://apclips.com/jaybankpresents/real-japanese-amateur-creampie-23-7

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