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Daddy's Big Surprise

photo of Lizzy MaestroLizzy Maestro

22:35 | Added 1 month ago

$16.50 Add to Cart Save 25% Today! Normally $22.00 22 Tokens Use Tokens

Hey, daddy! I'm here! So, you said you have a big surprise for me? What is it? I love surprises! Can you give me any hints? I love playing with daddy's big cock and making your dick so hard for me. I've been such a good girl, too. Can you tell me what the surprise is going to be? Can I get one hint? Why not? I've been a really good girl! I can't wait for your surprise! You said I'll get my surprise at the end? Okay, daddy. I'll be a good girl and patiently wait while I get your dick rock hard and leaking with precum. I love your surprises, daddy!


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