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The Dream: My Body Can Talk

Lizzy is so tired from working all day. Her body is sore and she just needs to relax and get some rest. She lays down, but as she's taking a nap she hears something. What is that? Is that coming from her boobs? Are her breasts talking right now? Their words are muffled, so she takes her bra off to try to hear them better. She still can't understand what's going on. Wait. What's that? Is Lizzy's pussy talking, too? She takes off her pajamas pants and panties. She can't understand what's going on, but she just wants the voices to stop, so she uses her toys to fill her holes. Their voices eventually muffle out to silence and she nods back off. Lizzy wakes up in a panic and wonders if it was all just a dream. She pulls one of her boobs close to her ear, but she can't hear anything. Lizzy is relieved. It was all just a dream, but what is in her pussy? She realizes she has her dildo in her pussy, so was it really all just a dream?


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