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Cum Inside Mommy

photo of Lizzy MaestroLizzy Maestro

25:19 | Added 28 days ago

$12.50 Add to Cart Save 50% Today! Normally $25.00 25 Tokens Use Tokens

Hey, son! I know you are in your 20's now and you don't need your mommy anymore, but I just wanted to talk with you because I just wanted to see how things are going. I saw you have a new girlfriend. How am I doing? I'm doing really good now. I'm glad I get to talk to my son. Usually we talk about chores, and speaking of...I have a few pairs of panties missing. Is there something you want to tell me? Have you been stealing mommy's panties? You know, you have a girlfriend for that. Here you can have mommy's panties. Your girlfriend's pussy doesn't smell as good as mommy's pussy, does it? Stroke for mommy's pretty pussy. You want to cum inside mommy's pussy, don't you? Cum inside mommy's pussy. Cum inside mommy!


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