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The To-Do List: A Jeans Fetish and Orgasm Control Scene

In exchange for completing a weekly to-do list filled with household chores, Margaux allows her husband the privilege of cumming on her ass. Her husband anxiously delivers the list to Margaux, who is alluring as ever in her black top and tight jeans. While Margaux closely inspects the list to make sure he didn’t miss anything, her husband, who hasn’t been allowed to cum in days, slowly starts rubbing himself. Margaux catches him out of the corner of her eye and removes his hand from his cock until she finishes reviewing the list.

Margaux’s husband moans with relief when she finally tells him what a good boy he’s been. He immediately whips out his penis and starts shamelessly stroking away in front of Margaux, the sight of her beautiful body enough to push him toward the edge. Margaux positions herself so that her voluptuous ass is right in front of her husband as he masturbates. She playfully asks him if that’s what he wants, to which he can barely get out a moaning “yes” in response.

Margaux’s husband’s moaning gets louder and he’s clearly approaching climax. He’s been waiting days for permission to cum and his reward is finally in sight. Just as he’s about to lose control and orgasm, Margaux realizes something is amiss and stops him abruptly. Her husband’s frustration is palpable as she points out that he didn’t take out the garbage yet. She insists that this must be complete before he gets what he wants, so he pulls up his pants, visibly dazed and does what she asks. Once the task is done, Margaux generously allows him to pick up where they left off. Finally, with a great moan, Margaux’s husband unleashes the cumshot she’s been making him hold in for days, covering her black jeans with his warm semen.


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