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Movie Night: A Femdom Handjob Scene

t’s movie night in the Maddox household, so Margaux and her husband are cuddled up on the couch under a blanket. Predictably, Margaux can’t resist driving her husband a little crazy, so it’s not long before her hand reaches over and lazily finds his cock. First, she plays with it over the blanket, then casually slips it underneath, stroking him gently and softly. In classic Margaux fashion, she gets him throbbing and erect, then returns her hand to her own lap, leaving her husband desperate for more. The outline of his huge dick is visible through the blanket as he vies for more of her attention.

Soon, the blanket is lowered and Margaux alternates between teasing her husband’s enormous throbbing bulge and pretending he doesn’t exist. As his arousal grows out of control, her husband starts gently humping the back of her hand, hoping for more touch. After a few minutes, Margaux pulls the blanket all the way off and decides it’s time to whip her husband’s big dick out. She pulls it out of his underwear and starts stroking him slowly and firmly. Their movie continues to play in the background, though Margaux’s husband is certainly no longer able to focus.

Margaux slows down her touch to tease her husband further, to the point that he can’t help but start humping her hand out of desperation. Of course Margaux won’t allow him to cum so easily, so she lets go of his massive penis, and he thrusts helplessly toward her unforgiving hand. She taps his balls a few times, a simple gesture to remind him how pathetic he is. At this point, he’s aching to cum, but Margaux continues to dole out the pleasure slowly and on her terms. When he reaches to put a hand on her breast, she rips it away. When she finally decides she’ll allow him to cum, she starts jerking him harder and faster, but not without slapping his cock around a little. Just as he’s about to blow, Margaux points her husband’s cock at his own black shirt, and watches the load explode all over it.


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