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Panty Pervert: A Soft Humiliation Pantyjob

It’s a quiet night in the Maddox household when husband sneaks quietly into their bedroom and opens that forbidden top drawer of his wife’s dresser. Since Margaux has her hands full with work downstairs, he is confident that he has a few minutes of privacy. As he starts rifling through Margaux’s panty drawer, occasionally stopping to smell a pair, he reaches his hand down into his own tight underwear and starts stroking his cock. When he finds the pair he’s looking for — soft, blue, partly see-through mesh — he whips his big dick out and wraps the panties around it, imagining how many times Margaux’s beautiful pussy had hugged the silky fabric.

Margaux’s husband starts stroking away until he’s close to orgasm, his hard cock bulging through her blue panties. As he’s nearing his edge, the door clicks open and he stands no chance of hiding what he was just doing. In the doorway is Margaux, who sternly asks him what he thinks he’s doing, before leading him away to a dimly lit corner of their bedroom.

Having caught him being a creep with her panties again, Margaux is eager to subject her husband to some humiliation as punishment. She tells him that if he’s going to be so obsessed with her panties, that she’ll make him show her what he was going to do with them. Her husband, ashamed for what he’s been caught doing, timidly obliges Margaux and starts jacking himself off with her blue panties while she eyes him carefully.

At times, Margaux takes over stroking him, rubbing the embarrassment of the moment in his face. As he gets close to cumming, she gives him a series of slaps to the balls. Finally, Margaux lays the blue panties flat on her lap and asks her husband if he’s going to cum all over them. With a few last strokes, Margaux’s husband ejaculates on the panties, shooting a seemingly endless stream all over them while moaning in pleasure. Watch until the end for the slow-mo instant replay of the cumshot, where you can really see the panties get drenched.


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