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Big Wooden Spoon OTK Apron Spanking

For the final installment of her aproned wood spoon spanking clip trilogy Lucy gets her ass tenderly beat by an older bearded dominant both over and under her pink lace panties.
This video is for you if you enjoy: spanking, impact play, bdsm, amateur boy girl fetish clips, ass, butt, age gap, age difference, size difference, panties, hands, hand fetish, panties, underwear, lingerie, lace, pink, asshole, hairy pussy, full bush, all natural, wooden spoons, submissive, dominant, d/s relationships, sadist, sadism, masochism, brunette, brown hair, bruises, bruised, curls, curly hair, older man / younger woman, jeans, beard, bearded men, arms, rough stuff, girl next door, maintenance spankings, apron fetish, aprons, hotwife, handy implements, aftercare, and big, thorough spanking sessions.
-Watch “Little Wooden Spoon OTK Apron Spanking” and “Medium Sized Wooden Spoon Kitchen Apron Spanking” for the prequels to this clip!
Trailer is 720p, 12fps without sound, full vid is 1080p 60fps with sound.
~ Lucy LaRue / @LaceBaby + HoundstoothHank


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