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a certain slant of light

photo of WoodWood

11:02 | Added 7 years ago

Bathed in the early morning winter sunlight, Wood experiments with the shadows casted by a framed light on her windowsill. She loves the way her soft fat spills from the angular confines of the frame, and the message of the shadows over her belly and rolls. She plays with her belly, fingering her belly-button and seeing how many fingers can fit. She grabs handfuls of her gut, feeling the squish in between her fingers. Jiggling her fat all over, sometimes in slow motion so you can see every inch and second of cascading fat. She teases you to music and the tinkling of her fountain like an overfed nymph, fat moving and morphing with every position in and out of the light. Includes close ups of her belly, tits, ass, rolls, and every jiggly part of her. Teasing, slow motion jiggling, body worship, and sensual fat exploration.


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