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Sniff and hump step-mommy's butt

Oh sweetie! It's your special night. You get to be in step-mommy's bed tonight. I know you get so excited for that don't you? You know, not all step-sons get to be in their step-mommy's beds. You're lucky! And they certainly don't all get to smell their mommy's hot, stinky butt panties. Nope you're so lucky. Step-mommy put her special panties on for you too. You're getting excited down there? Aw step-mommy can tell, you're throbbing sweetie. Don't worry step-mommy will let you smell her stinky butt from the side, put your head between her legs, and hump and sniff from behind too. I know you love my hot, smelly butt stench. Step-mommy loves it too honey.


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