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Housewife Life

I'm a work from home housewife and full time MILF. Despite wearing my one piece pajamas today, anything could happen. I've been sexting all morning, with my hair in a messy bun, no makeup, fuzzy socks, and house slippers. Dressed for maximum comfort and easy access, I brushed my hair earlier, but it's probably going to get messed up again fucking around later.

Trying to take selfies of my bright pink fuzzy socks and house slippers, I was about to start unbuttoning my pjs to show off that I was braless, when I got surprised. The bathroom door bumped into my backside and nearly knocked me over, but it wasn't closing! He came in and joined me, tweaking my nipple as he walked past.

He walked right past the camera, not seeing it on the floor where I was trying to take selfies. I laughed as he handed me a cup, but to my surprise, he flashed me! I had the giggles as I tried to finsh my selfie, but then he reach over and pulled on my nipple piercing and started playing with my breast. It doesn't look like I'm going to be finishing this selfie, or he's going to carry me into the bedroom himself!

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