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I slowly pushed the swirly pop into my bum. When I did so, I smiled into Frank's camera lens. He had a bulge forming in his jeans. As perverted as the whole scene unfolded, I realized that all of the tension that I had built up today would be released on my boyfriend later tonight. 
"Can you push it in a little further, please, Heather? Stop and slowly pull it all the way out?" Frank requested.
Following his commands, I was happy that I had spit on the lollipop before insertion. It wasn't that wide, but it was very sticky, so I needed to move it in and out slowly as it entered and exited such a sensitive area.
My sphincter was becoming a little irritated, and so I asked Frank, "Are we done yet? It's starting to burn down there."
He then asked the question that I hoped he wouldn't, but most likely would.
"Just taste it, and we're all finished.", he replied.
I didn't question. I didn't complain. I didn't resist. I stalled for a minute and then just did it. Being such an ordinary, good girl who worked hard and never really walked on the wild side, I decided to go the whole other way. Even though this job that I had taken to help pay off my debt had evolved into a debauched session of pornography, I wanted to do a great job for Frank and give him the photos that would make BIKINI-POPS.COM proud to have him as one of their staff photographers. And so I did...


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