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duration 10:44
Bound, Gagged, and Sitting in My Own Piss! video from Ditria Rose
Bound, Gagged, and Sitting in My Own Piss! by Ditria Rose Ditria was picked up by her captor, who in this video is unnamed and faceless, earlier today during a morning jog. Perhaps he's been watching her for quite some time and decided that it was finally the day he'd try and get her in his clutches, or it could be as simple as how her formed-fitted leggings elevated her figure paired with a sports bra whilst he passed her by and couldn't push away far too intrusive of thoughts. Either which way - he's stored her in his garage, and left her there - tied up and struggling, for some amount of hours. It's been so long in fact, that Ditria has sincerely worked up a pee! She's tried to hold it, but being on a dirty, cold floor not having much else to think about or distract her, only creates a worse urge. She tries to holler out to her captor though also talking aloud to herself to hopefully bring some more attention to this issue, but when the video opens, he's elsewhere taking care of other matters. He's definitely not listening to Ditria moan and complain about how full her bladder has now become, that she can't recall the last time she's gone pee, or how she'd rather be anywhere else right now - namely a bathroom! She wriggles around on the dust covered floor - ass picking up some of the dirt and grime that's undoubtedly going to stain her leggings, feet becoming black the more they meet it. She knows how filthy she is, and can't wait for him to return that way he could possibly offer her some kindness and help her out - the last thing she wants to do, is be made to piss right through her clothes! Finally, her captor comes in, and she thinks that she's soon going to be met with relief. She begs and pleads with him as to how he can trust her - really, she won't do anything! He could even pick her body up with the rope still fixed upon her wrists and ankles to be sat down on the toilet - she very much needs to go, and doesn't mean any funny business. He disagrees after being short with her and leaves the room, as Ditria is left to ponder what her existence has become and struggle some more. Eventually, he returns again, and Ditria's eyes sparkle with hope. He must be back because he's changed his mind! Not so much... he's tired of hearing her, and chooses to ballgag her! The neighbors cannot hear this nonsense - nothing must be at risk to possibly give him away. This only makes Ditria more hysterical - she begins to cry, her stomach pulsing with pain at all of that pee! He leaves again, and Ditria, in her self-loathing stupor, feels a little bit of pee dribble out. At first, this gives her a little bit of pressure off of her insides, but soon, it becomes so unbearable she has no choice other than to let the rest of it out! She cries more, and apologizes to her captor over and over. She is very scared as to what he will do once he finds out she's covered the floor in piss, although she couldn't help it.

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