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Varsity Slut League Full Movie No Soundtrack

In May 2021, Coach Miller, trying to increase the value of Northern Ribald University’s brand, searched for an athletic trainer to improve the school’s success in winning soccer games. He hired a highly qualified individual named Rick Rakehell just before the first semester started later that year. During the next few months, it became evident that Mr. Rakehell had become a significant asset to the school’s reputation because he dramatically increased the number of tournaments their players had won.
But there was a dark secret that only the girls on the varsity soccer team knew about. By the time it was exposed, he had worked with over one hundred and fifty young women, of whom 43 had inappropriate relationships with him in their effort to get onto the school’s major soccer squad. This is the story of one of those girls, Jennifer Simpson, a marked member of the Varsity Slut League...


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