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4K Ziva Fey Cuntbusting Annihilation By Cassie Cummings At The Gym

4K/ Ziva is a total gym rat, she’s that annoying gym goer that thinks she knows everything about working out. She’s always being snide to Cassie trying to comment and how she can improve her workouts. Cassie has had ENOUGH of Ziva picking on her.. so she lets her know what she thinks of her; by kicking her right in the cunt!! Ziva is not intimidated and is not going back down, so Cassie repeatedly kicks her as she whines, groans and falls to her knees repeatedly. Cassie punches Ziva in the cunt, hoisting her off the ground, making her fall straight to her ass as she grabs her pussy in excruciating pain. You can see how much it hurts on Ziva’s face.. Cassie is completely tired of Ziva being such a bully and dominates her the entire video. She pushes her down and repeatedly kicks her in the pussy in various way until it is raw and red. Cassie kicks Ziva continuously until the tables are turned and Ziva admits that she’s the hottest and sexiest girl in the entire gym!


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