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ZIAxBITE APClips.com profile
ZIAxBITE APClips.com profile

Just a Hedonist Couple sharing sexual accomplishments.
Most of Our early Videos were taken Years before sharing online. Despite not being able to show Faces as We are just regular folks, We have the opportunity to show a wide range of Videos from genuine hookups to shoots with Models.
After now years of showing off Our lifestyle We started to create videos with famous Pornstars, often recreating our past experiences not able to publish.

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60 Videos Show All

A SWEET THREESOME WITH LIZ OCEAN AND MATTY MILA PEREZ - ZIAxBITE Hi Guys, Have You ever imagined a vacation with 2 beautiful girls and having a threesome together? Well, that's the real story behind this reimagined private video. And for this, Noa m3t of course our friend Liz Ocean. Who could be better for this than her? The 2 were goofing around all the time behind the scenes and well during. In addition, Matty joined. A little dream was fulfilled, we tried to catch her for 2 years already, and the timing was always against us. Now it happened. She is so beautiful and sweet ❤️️❤️️ Matty and Liz warmed up fast with each other and grabbed some toys before devouring some lollipops. There were three of them, and one was fake ? Original Video Back Story: A few years back Noa and I took a vacation with his best friend together. We made a trip around Thailand and recorded a few videos of our time together. Among those videos, sex tapes. Fast forward to 2018-2019, Noa told us about PH Model Program. And Arisa and I encouraged him to show off a bit of his amazing life and maybe earn a bit of pocketmoney as he was always a bit struggling and photography made him never earn much despite being printed in magazines. The Videos were an instant success. The first 3 videos made each between 4 and 13 Million views and made his PH account rise from not existing to top 9 on their Amateur Model System (Later it was revoked as he got mass reported and videos had to be put on hold for 3 months to verify everything). The buzz was that it was real, genuine sex tapes of threesomes of us, 2 Asian girls and a white guy, and all matched on Tinder. Something that seems even today still special to many. Now that kind of video cannot be uploaded anymore anywhere, as now all need to be professional with contracts and multi verified. So, we give You a bit of a re-imagination of it, with beautiful young models who will represent us. Skinny, tall, and fresh just like us, and at the same age as we were when we took those videos?

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About Me

Joined Mar.02, 2020

Just a Hedonist Couple sharing sexual accomplishments.
Most of Our early Videos were taken Years before sharing online. Despite not being able to show Faces as We are just regular folks, We have the opportunity to show a wide range of Videos from genuine hookups to shoots with Models.
After now years of showing off Our lifestyle We started to create videos with famous Pornstars, often recreating our past experiences not able to publish.

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Age 29
Height 5'9"
Weight 90 lbs
Body Type Slender
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black

My Stats

Videos 60
Views 13,504
Loves 1
Faved 71

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