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Blackmailed Girl Pays Rent with Anal

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Story: I am sitting in the kitchen going through my bills and crying. There's no way I am going to pay it all! I have nobody who could help me with paying it all and I don't have enough money myself. I am helpless. Out of desperation I decide to call my landlord to see if he could overlook one more skipped month of rent. He picks up and is super mad at me. I cry out that I am going to give everything back, I promise. He hangs up on me. I go to my bedroom and cry even louder when I hear the doorbell. It's my landlord! He has the keys, he's coming in! I beg him to let me live in the apartment! I am a young girl, just starting on adulting, I am so lost. He doesn't want to listen. Is there another way I could pay him? I offer him a blowjob but he declines. I get on my knees and beg him. He agrees and I am so thrilled that I get to keep the apartment when I am done. When I get to it, I realise how much I don't wanna do it. What would my step-mum think! Am I just a slut! He starts blackmail-fantasy me and I don't want to lose my place. I get to sucking but he is not into it at all. He claims I am not doing the best job. Please let me keep the apartment! The only way he can agree to that is if I agree to anal. Oh no! It's a nightmare! I need to keep the apartment though, gosh! I am so tight and his dick is so hard. It hurts but I need to suck it up! He is pounding me hard and deep. Please let me do the blowjob again. He is not going to wash his dick, is he? I hate ass to mouth! That's disgusting! Now he likes it! We switch a few more times. I am such a slut doing it for money! He finally cums on my desperate face. My job is done here and I get to enjoy the apartment again.


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