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duration 13:52
YOUR STEPMOM THE BULLY 1080P - ELLIE IDOL video from Ellie Idol
YOUR STEPMOM THE BULLY 1080P - ELLIE IDOL by Ellie Idol Your pops is out of town and that means you're all alone with your cruel stepmother. She loves nothing more than to torment you in sexual ways and make you her plaything. Dressed in a shiny black pvc vinyl catsuit, she's ready to fuck hard with your mind! She's sexy but absolutely terrifying. You know she's going to make you inflict pain upon yourself and humiliate you in all sorts of ways... and you're too much of a pussy ass bitch to stand up for yourself and tell someone. She makes you strip and then humiliates you for your looks. She grabs you firmly by your sack to remind you that you belong to her as she makes you work up an erection. She mentions being unable to wait for her to be impregnated by your pops so that he'll forget all about YOU, his LOSER heir. There will be new heirs soon as your pops cannot resist her. Your stepmom rides his cock so good, while you are just a sexless freak no woman wants. You look nothing like your attractive and rich fa'. Stepmommy makes you tweak and pinch your nipples as you jerk off and squeal in front of her like a piggy bitch!! Soon, you're spanking your own ass at her command as she insults you. You feel so low but your dick is hard and you can't help but stroke your nub for your bully of a step MILF. Next, she has you suck on your fingers because they're going straight into your asshole!! You don't want to do ass play but you know better than to put up a fight. Now, you're fingering yourself and moaning like a bitch! Hate wank for stepmommy as she makes you taste your own ass juice!! But that's not the only flavor going into your mouth, you're going to swallow your own loser load!! And if you miss your mouth, you'll have to tongue clean stepmom's dirty bathroom. God you hate her, but you do as you're instructed. Maybe if you do what she commands she'll leave you alone after this... Probably not though...

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