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duration 13:42
Camp Counselor Azure Wants to Geld You! video from Wynter Azure
Camp Counselor Azure Wants to Geld You! by Wynter Azure Camp Umnumnum's first session of the summer is underway! At Camp Umnumnum we provide wayward boys with structured and fun activities that teach responsibility, discipline, and life skills. Today's activity was camper led hikes. and you sure failed your group!! You got the entire group so lost, you did not take your responsibility seriously, and you did not even bring enough water for yourself nonetheless anyone else. You also injured your leg! Counselor Azure takes her flannel off to wrap your leg, you didn't bring a first aid kit of course! Counselor Azure is so exacerbated with your poor behavior. You really are a severe case, you really require a severe treatment to get yourself right, to ever be successful in life, some things are REALLY going to have to change. Luckily for you, Counselor Azure is quite skilled at such severe interventions. She pulls some shiny steel tools out of her backpack. To completely modify your behavior, we have to modify, well. You need to undergo the transformation to become a eunuch! It will completely change you for the better. As of now, you have no focus, no motivation-- besides your sex drive, besides those two pathetic testicles between your legs! Look at you, focused on your dick and fucking instead of focusing on your responsibilities. Are you not frustrated with where you are in life, camper? You are wayward, lost (literally). One of the tools has a little green rubber band-- it's so small, so tight. a permanent solution ...The other tool looks to clamp down- a burdizzo ... It is clear you can't be obedient, good, or a success the way you are now. Don't you want to be able to please women? Don't you want to please Counselor Azure? Imagine, being chosen, special, adored by women. Being a eunuch will earn you that here at Camp Umnumnum-- being a eunuch will have Azure take you home as her own personal eunuch servant after camp ends, but first you can please all the female counselors here all summer long! You'll practically be a hero! Imagine making such a big sacrifice to please a woman-- imagine how good it will feel. It's not a hard sacrifice to make really! All you have to do is choose.

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