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duration 14:04
Jewish Uncle Gives Me A Hanukkah Creampie video from Davina Davis
Jewish Uncle Gives Me A Hanukkah Creampie by Davina Davis Ugh. My mom is spending the holidays with my stepdad in Aspen again this year. She does this EVERY SINGLE YEAR for Christmas and NEVER invites me. Guess she loves him more than she loves me.... I'm used to it by now so I can't say I'm surprised. Kinda figured she would pull this again, but this year I knew my uncle Isaiah was in town so at least I wouldn't be alone this Christmas! Well I sure got that one wrong. I bought a bunch of Christmas decorations and invited uncle Isaiah over, figuring we could sip hot coco and spread some holiday cheer! Little did I know, my Uncle Isaiah Is a big fat JEW! Another thing my mom "forgot" to tell me. THANK GOODNESS my bro informed me of this before I totally embarrassed myself in front of my uncle who I hadn't seen In YEARS! I googled "dates of Hanukkah" and to my surprise, it was still going on! I quickly ran to the store and bought of a bunch of Hanukkah decorations and even a Menorah! I was determined to make this THE BEST Hanukkah uncle Isaiah's ever had! I put on a sexy blue dress and patiently waited for my uncle to arrive. I expected him to be excited, but when he got here he looked at me like I was an idiot! Apparently I didn't even light the Menorah right and the decorations were backwards! I begged and pleaded with Uncle Isaiah to forgive me and give me another chance. He told me I could make it up to him by singing the "Dreidel Song." I saw it once on South Park so I gave it my best shot. Uncle Isaiah laughed at me and told me I was a horrible Jew! I tried explaining to him that I actually wasn't Jewish, but before I could get a word in, he pulled out his cock and jammed it in my mouth! I was in shock! I thought uncle Isaiah was a nice, respectful, Jewish man! Instead he was just a HUGE PERVERT! I thought about telling him to stopp, but I did majorly fuck up his Hanukkah, so I let him fuck me until he came..... Inside of my pussy!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I told him I wasn't on birth control! I really hope uncle Isaiah didn't just give me a Jewish babyy!
duration 19:18
Gaping Lesbians Get High And Take Cock video from Davina Davis
Gaping Lesbians Get High And Take Cock by Davina Davis My sugar daddy and I have been on vacation in Paris for the last few weeks, until he decided to trade me in for some slutty French girl. Now I’m stuck in Europe with no money, and no way home!!! It’s the middle of the night so I figured I’ll just get a hotel and figure things out in the morning. I thought that was a great plan until I realized my sugar daddy shut all my credit cards off!! I guess I should have let him fuck my ass when he told me he was gonna replace me for a European girl…..My only option now is to get a hostel, so I checked in only to find out that my roommate is a total pot head! Gross!!! I specifically asked for a non smoking room!!! We argued back and fourth for what seemed like hours, but then I started getting horny…….My new roommate “Aria” told me she had gotten me contact high!!!!! I’ve never been high before, and I guess she is kind of cute, if you like the dirty stoner type…. So I decided to “go with the flow” and let her have her way with me! First she licked my pussy until it was soaking wet, then she pulled out not one, but TWO giant dildos and shoved them both inside my pussy until I came everywhere! After I was done squirting, I decided it was her turn to get off. I grabbed the dildo covered in my cum, and stuffed it right inside her gaping hole without even cleaning it off. I wanted her to feel my cum inside of her pussy. She moaned and screamed with pleasure until she squirted all over the bed! I made her lick up her mess then bent her over the side of the bed and ate her ass until It started gaping, just like her pussy hole. Then I fucked both of her holes some more until she came for the fourth time! I must be a damn good lesbian when I’m high! I guess smoking weed isn’t so bad after all!

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