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duration 12:13
Bitchy Female Scientist Failed Experiment Backfires Into Big Fat Bimbo Belly Inflation Transformation video from BlackxRose92
Bitchy Female Scientist Failed Experiment Backfires Into Big Fat Bimbo Belly Inflation Transformation by BlackxRose92 This new "shrinking ray" is going to help all of those big fat lardos! We're here today to finally test it. Of course, I'm going to be the first human trial experiment! I already look great, but now I'll look even better when we trim a few pounds and inches off of me here and there with my specialized laser. Once it gets clearance from my test, we can start marketing it to all those awful dieters. You know, like those awful big fat fatso lazy tubbos who just can't exercise. This will be marketed to them! It will make even the fattest fatty fat fat super skinny and fuckably happy! Ooh I can't wait to get this going. I want to aim for a little around the middle, trim some off my thighs, and make everything nice and toned. Just trim a couple inches to take me from skinny and sexy to fucking hot and so attractive that it makes everyone around me instantly jealous! Alright, fire it up! Woa, wait, something isn't right. This didn't go as planned! What happened? Oh no! What went wrong? Now my belly has grown, and ohhhhh no! My middle has expanded and turned into a tubby bloated belly. I'm fat but....oh wait.....huh? Gosh, my minidress just doesn't cover my hairy bush now that my big fat belly has gotten so large. Gee, body inflation has made my sexy dress downright fucktastic. I can't recall....Well, my pussy feels swollen. You can see my pierced pussy, and trying to pull down my dress is pointless. I can almost cover my nudity with my labcoat, but I'd rather get fucked. Can we just have sex now? Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored

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