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Bully Blackmails Me With Camera

photo of TheLunaBabyyTheLunaBabyy

7:48 | Added 1 year ago

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Luna's father is part of the university board and her bully knows this. He acquires some nudes from her ex and tells her she must do his work for the year or he will leak the nudes and to make extra sure he has her do something else for him. He really liked how she looked in those photos and wants some of his own. He gets her to show of her bra, pussy and asshole (upskirt and see through bra) and takes flash photographs of her. At first she is disgusted but she slowly breaks down and cries in the video. Last segment of video has some photographs the bully took

WARNING: Flashing effects on the video

crying // embarrassment // upskirt // blackmail fantasy // see through bra // university college student // british


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