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A New Family For New Years

photo of EleanorEleanor

18:15 | Added 1 month ago

What better way to ring in the new year then to knock up your sister?

Your parents finally caught on to you and your sisters unique relationship. They kicked you out. Took her phone and her birth control. Cut you off from each other completely but you’ve hatched the perfect plan.

You wait till your parents are gone and sneak in. You were originally just going to convince her to run away with you … after a quick fuck but when she tells you about having her birth control taken away your plan shifts. IF you can get her pregnant there’s no way your parent would separate you.

You don’t tell her but you are sure she won’t mind. After all who wouldn’t want a new little family for the new year?

[dirty talking, virtual sex missionary, virtual sex riding, visible creampie, no pulling out]


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