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Strip Poker Mistake

photo of EleanorEleanor

10:05 | Added 3 years ago

You set up a date with the very hot and sweet Eleanor to teach her how to play poker. You thought it would be fun to raise the stakes, to your benefit. You offer up a game of strip poker. You think this is a guarantee to get to see her naked and embarrassed in front of you. After all, how could you lose?

Little did you know Eleanor had a trick up her sleeve. She’s well versed in the game of poker and pulls out an amazing hand. Look like it’s your turn to strip. Maybe you shouldn’t have bet all your clothes. Turns out Eleanor isn’t nearly as sweet as she seems and it’s you who ends up naked and embarrassed while she stays nice and clothed laughing at you the whole time.

Maybe next time you won’t be so cocky.


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