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SUCKERED BY A SUPERHEROINE - Amber O'Neal vs Wonder Woman (Janelle Sinclaire)

Amber O'Neal is a veteran Professional Wrestler but has failed to capture a meaningful and prestigious championship to date. She calls the owner of Ring Women Video demanding a title shot, but unfortunately, he was not available. After hanging up the phone, Wonder Woman instantly appears and tells Amber that she would have to go through her to get a title shot. Amber accepted the match. She had hoped that it would be a title match of some sort but Wonder Woman does not care for titles. Amber gave it her all in this epic see-saw battle, and so did Wonder Woman, but at the end, one emerges as the victor and the loser gets humiliated by being hog-tied in the ropes. This is a MUST HAVE video and another PRO WRESTLING classic from Ring Women Video!


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