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I HATE WRESTLING TERRORISTS - Janelle Sinclaire vs Ehab the Arab

Fans of World Wide Mixed Wrestling, if you ever wanted to buy a video that was so explosive that it bordered on not legal, than this is the video for you! In this dangerous match, Ehab the Arab literally terrorizes Janelle with the most dangerous moves in professional wrestling today. The sledge-hammer holds were so powerful that Janelle was completely out 3 times, and could not wrestle for 1 month following this match. This could have been the match that ended her career, but luckily for Janelle, she survived by the skin of her white teeth. Kudos to Janelle though, she gave Ehab a good fight throughout but the Middle Eastern Powerhouse was just too overwhelming! From breath-taking bearhugs to the backbreaking bodyslam to the infamous Arab Camel Clutch to the crippling piledriver (Middle-Eastern Style), this match is non-stop action. This is another classic mixed pro wrestling video from WWMW.


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