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The Cheating Sessions: Honorable Intentions

photo of PaintedRosePaintedRose

20:08 | Added 21 hours ago

$9.10 Add to Cart Save 35% Today! Normally $14.00 14 Tokens Use Tokens

You begin seeing a professional because you love your wife and are worried about your fantasies of other women. You've really made positive improvement with being a loyal husband and this is your final test to pass. Are your honorable intentions enough or will you succumb to Rosie's ultimate test? This film features an aphrodesiac, sultry visions of seduction, and seemingly knowledgeable Rosie giving you a choice to make the right decision. Painted Rose Films and content is 2257 Compliant Fantasy Roleplay - Curvy Taboo Femdom MILF ROSIE! #MILF, #Femdom, #Goddess, #GentleFemdom, #Mistress, #PositiveFemdom, #Sensual, #FemDomme, #Tits #Ass #Pussy #Rosie #PaintedRose #StepMom #MILFRosie #Mommy #Taboo #Dommy, #MommyDomme #Mesmerize #Cheat #Cheating #MindFuck


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