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Silly Stretch and Strength With Rosie

photo of PaintedRosePaintedRose

9:42 | Added 1 day ago

$4.50 Add to Cart Save 25% Today! Normally $6.00 6 Tokens Use Tokens

HI! Happy Health Day (Everyday) !! FREE IN MY CLUB!! I was just being a little silly while stretching out my stiffness filming for my fanculb friends and hanging out and I was never gonna post this in the store but whatever. I lost all my muscle and I want it back.. Wanna watch my progress or come along for the ride? Let's drink our O-V-A-L-T-I-N-E and root eachother on.

More about my disease:
I was FINALLY diagnosed with Elhers Danlos Syndrome a few months ago. It's a genetic disorder that lacks the body's ability to make or use collagen. It is the strength of everything in the body from your cardiac vessels, organs, digestive, bones, teeth, ligaments, hair, SKIN, and nails and I could go on and on. Right now I am post a few joint replacements and need a couple more LOL. I was rear ended by a speeder 20 years ago. It gave me permanent left sided nerve damage that affects my hearing, vision, facial nerves as well as from my head to toe is numb and over time scar tissue has built up making the injuries worse from the whiplash and back slipped discs. I didn't have collagen to heal and so my autoimmune response made my injuries worse and not better. With my left side being weak, my right side over compensates but with EDS - joints wear out fast. My wrist is subluxated from driving to the beach when I filmed My Summer Lover - yes I am serious lol .. That is life with EDS. For years doctors told me I was faking it but now I am diagnosed finally with a genetic disorder. I genetically passed this disease on to my five and so I also care for them having health problems too. Current Right SI Joint Subluxated. R Wrist and Knees next to get replaced .. All kinds of non healed injuries from my whole life but what do I do.. I Keep moving forward. I almost fall... a lot and you know it if you've seen my bloopers. BLAH BOINK CRASH OOOPS lol

Today, I listen to my body and let her decide how we move. Yes that is my knee you hear grinding lol. Hip Mobility and Squatting Stretches - Feels so good. Hurts so good. What’s the difference ? lol as some of us get older, we will have injuries and deficits that we have to work around, but there’s always something that you can do to isolate muscles that you want to work out even if it’s in a different way. Stay limber and strong!!

Day One for YOU can be today! Shall we?

#Exercise #Workout #Strength #MILF #MILFY #SFW #FYP #RealLife #BTS #Yoga #EDS #ElhersDanlos #KeepMovingForward #ILoveYOU #LivingWIthDisabilities #SingleMom


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