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Stern step-mom punishes her step-son

photo of Nicolette BloomNicolette Bloom

8:08 | Added 1 day ago

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This mean step-mommy has just come home from a long day of work. She is not having it when she comes home to her step-son that is watching tv without her permission. She is absolutely pissed. All she can think about is how she needs to punish him. She of course spanks him first and then makes him take off his clothes and stand in the corner. He wants to put his clothes back on but she doesn’t let him. Then she decides she needs to punish his bum hole. That’s right she wants him to feel sore in his bottom tomorrow so he remembers what he did wrong. To her surprise she finds that he is leaking milk from his peepee while she fingers his hole. To finish the punishment she lays him on her lap and aggressively rubs his peepee until he's sore, then makes him sit in the corner naked.


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