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Step-mom takes care of step-son's erection

Step-mom walks into the living room to find her two step-sons. They’re acting a little funny and step-mom can tell something is up. Then they tell her, one of them has an erection. Well they don’t know what’s going on but she sweetly explains its totally natural and step-mommy can help him. Step-mommy is unexpectedly turned on though. From an innocent handjob to showing her step-sons her own wet peepee to then riding one of her step-son’s until he cums, this step-mommy is a very naughty step-mommy. The other step-brother watches the whole time too, eventually needed to get his load out as well! Step-mommy can only handle one at a time, there is only one step-mommy after all! She’ll have to take care of him next time. Maybe in part 2?


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