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Brother turns into sissy girl 2

photo of MorganaMorgana

14:42 | Added 1 year ago

$7.50 Add to Cart Save 50% Today! Normally $15.00 15 Tokens Use Tokens

It's my prom night and I have all the girls over before we go. We walk in on you wearing my panties and lingerie!? I become furious and start making fun of you, mocking you in front of my friend. You think I'm so mean that you pee your pants. I point and laugh. Then I punish you by making you wear panties and little clothes. I make fun of you some more and stick a pacifier in your mouth to shut you up. You mess your panties again but it's really gross and I make fun of you some more. I tell you that my friend has been filming the entire time and that if you don't say what I want, we will post this video on the web! Of course, I don't keep my promise...EVERYONE has to see this!!! HA!


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