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Babysitters Devious Digestion

photo of MorganaMorgana

17:45 | Added 1 year ago

$8.50 Add to Cart Save 50% Today! Normally $17.00 17 Tokens Use Tokens

Morgana is babysitting for four! She finally tucks them in and watches some tv. One wakes up and meets her in the room. She tells them to go upstairs but she starts to feel an overwhelming urge to gulp them down! She can't believe she did it so carelessly! Her stomach starts to grumble. She heads to the kitchen for a snack. Another one meets her in the kitchen....she smells sooooo good! GULP! Morgana starts to head upstairs to make sure no one has seen what she has done. She meets another brat. She assures them that their sister is safe in dream land. She shows her and as soon as she is in front of her, she gulps her down! Last but not least in the room. Morgana creeps up to her and marinates this one for later in her pussy. She dases out of the house and lays on her bed talking to her rumbling belly. She starts the digestion process and has a chit chat with one of them in her belly. They start to connect and have a lot in common. Morgana decides to tell her that she is going to have her in her womb and she will become her own. Their DNA will mix together and they will be a family!


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