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The finest hypno-smut from lifestyle kinksters. Real hypnosis, real kink, real people.

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127 Videos Show All

Spanked Stupid! Scarlot Rose tranced to lower intelligence with each spank video from
Spanked Stupid! Scarlot Rose tranced to lower intelligence with each spank Getting spanked always makes Scarlot feel lovely and submissive... but it doesn't usually make her into a blank hypnosub who can't even remember her own name because she's so empty. But when sadistic 'Tist Sinister Denial gets involved, of course trance and arousal are on the cards! In this cute, giggly shoot, Sinister mixes mesmerism and over-the-knee spanks to make Scarlot into a smiley, brainless toy. Using the feeling of the spanks to carry her suggestions deep into Scarlot's mind, Sinister periodically checks in to see how much thinking Scarlot can do, asking her a variety of questions to test her smarts. The game is rigged, of course, as Scarlot gets more and more wrong, and so earns more and more spanks which make her more and more mindless, so she gets more and more wrong! Scarlot moves between gasping and moaning at the slap of Sinister's hands against her reddening ass, to confused little faces and empty dumb smiles. Eventually, Scarlot can barely recall her own name, barely speak at all... her head so empty and her body glowing with the pleasurable pain of Sinister's 'punishments'. When Sinister finally takes Scarlot from her lap, she's putty in her hands... until Sinister ends the suggestion and Scarlot's brain returns, alongside embarrassed blushes at her own behaviour! You can find the FREE negotiation and aftercare video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/spanked-stupid-negotiation-and-aftercare Performers: Sinister topping, Scarlot bottoming More of Scarlot: ScarlotRose.Manyvids.com & Onlyfans.com/ScarlotRose More of Sinister: sinisterdenial.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
Transformed by their Therapist! Client to concubine brainwashing scene video from
Transformed by their Therapist! Client to concubine brainwashing scene Hypnosis can create an immersive world for the subject, where they're absorbed by a fantasy, living it out. In this video, Trix opens with an induction to bring Eryn into a world where they believe they are a client meeting with a new alternative therapist for help with their people-pleasing tendencies. Unfortunately for poor Eryn, when their 'therapist' Trix assures them that she'll help Eryn 'find their purpose', there are ulterior motives at play! Trix plays the role of a hypno-slaver, her therapy office a front for taking unsuspecting, vulnerable minds through a brainwashing process to transform them into the perfect pleasure servants, empty other than the desire to obey. So when Trix asks Eryn if they tend to experience being 'trapped in an action and unable to escape', Eryn unknowingly begins to enter a trance that will divest them of the agency to move of their own accord. Eryn is suspicious of their new therapist, but they're reminded to "trust the process", a thought-stopping mantra they repeat each time they consider resisting. Despite the red flags they continue, making the trance deeper and more embodied, until they feel they can't move any more, wondering how exactly this is helping with their issues? Trix helpfully provides a voice that their body will respond to, and Eryn is scared to find their body moving at Trix's command, but cut off from their own ability to move freely. Trix explains that she's revealing Eryn's true purpose - to please, serve and obey. Eryn's body moves to strip off their clothes, being posed by Trix in submissive positions as they try and fail to resist her. Trix inspects her new find, and assigns Eryn a label: "Concubine #639". Trix strokes Concubine #639's body, playing with their nipples, and uses mantras and manipulation through pleasure and praise to quell Eryn's resistance. Soon Concubine #639 is accepting their place, and is ready for training to begin. As we fade to black, Trix discusses that the transformation will be assured with the removal of Concubine #639's long hair. When we fade back in, Concubine #639 is completely bald, naked and kneeling, repeating their mantra. A metal collar and cuffs are locked onto their body, locking their old identity away. A sheer gown is draped on their body, concealing nothing, emphasising their new life and use as a mindless courtesan. Trix sets to readying her pleasure puppet with some basic commands - Kneel 1 and Kneel 2, basic submissive postures that are pleasing and subservient to the eye, and Hole 1 and Hole 2, positions in which Concubine #639 can conveniently offer their holes to their Controller. Concubine #639 blankly complies at first, but Trix requires her harem to show pleasure at their use, and instructs them so that Concubine #639 is soon joyfully reciting their mantras and eagerly moving into position, glowing when they are praised. Next will come the oral training... but that's for the next video ;) Models: Trix topping, Eryn Rose bottoming For a negotiation and aftercare video that contains BONUS hypnotic scenes to preserve the headspace, go to: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/transformed-by-their-therapist-negotiation-bonus-scenes-and-aftercare For the free negotiation and aftercare video: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/transformed-by-their-therapist-negotiation-and-aftercare ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnoporn production company run by Imaginatrix (Trix) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: https://hypnnotichedonism.com Sinister: https://sinisterdenial.com More of Eryn Rose: On ManyVids: https://www.manyvids.com/Profile/1002504244/Eryn-Rose/Store/Videos/ On OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/erynrose On Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErynRoseModel
MindFucked Part 2: Mesmerized and used as a tist's fucktoy! video from
MindFucked Part 2: Mesmerized and used as a tist's fucktoy! Buy Parts 1 & 2 as a discounted Bundle here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/bundle/21689 Having spent 30 minutes seducing and programming Marcus's mind and body (Part1), Trix is ready to amuse herself with the fucktoy she's built. Trix has Marcus perform for her as she touches herself - with the already installed freeze trigger, she has him touch himself for her, freezing him just as it gets intense and giggling as he struggles against her mental bonds. She toys with his body as he's stuck in that statue, making him feel the pleasure more and more. She adapts the suggestion so that time dilates between the freezes, so that when Trix allows him to unfreeze she can delight in the confusion on his face. As Trix builds up her own pleasure, she teases Marcus with her body, the sight of her gorgeous ass, freezing him and unfreezing him as she builds his desire to be used as a dildo for her pleasure. Once he's got a condom on, she allows him behind her, his cock positioned just at the entrance of her slit, rubbing and begging to fuck her... before freezing him once again at the moment he though he'd be able to enter her! Toying with her helpless object. Laughing at his confusion as he unfreezes, she throws him down to the bed and straddles him... as he's held there, on the edge, she strips his mind of anything but being an obedient toy for her, just a cock to be used for her pleasure, to be used until Trix is done, not Marcus. As she slides down onto his cock, she claims his mind and body. The mantra "I'm just a toy" slips out of Marcus's mouth as his eyes roll and Trix rides him, calling him her good little cunt-warmer, her human dildo, her obedient thing, as she gets closer and closer to the edge, and Marcus goes deeper and deeper into a docile, empty, objectified space as his orgasm is held back. Trix rides him all the way to a satisfying orgasm, moaning and beaming with pleasure as she cums. When she's done, she climbs off his stiff prick, his satisfaction being taken in serving her, not in his own release. She gently strokes his hair as she praises him for being such a good toy for her. He kneels in a submissive haze as Trix slowly brings him out of trance full of wonderful feelings from his time as her fucktoy. Find our FREE negotiation and aftermath video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/mindfucked-negotiation-positions-intimacy-warm-up-aftercare Performers: Trix topping, Marcus bottoming More of Marcus: @marcus_quillan on IG & Twitter & manyvids.com/Profile/1000708910/marcusquillan/ More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnoporn production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs, tuition and coaching. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
MindFucked Part 1 - sub stripped, tranced, teased & helpless! video from
MindFucked Part 1 - sub stripped, tranced, teased & helpless! Buy Parts 1 & 2 as a discounted Bundle here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/bundle/21689 Trix throws Marcus down on the bed. She has him in her lair, now to enchant him with words until he's her helpless fucktoy. Her sultry voice wraps around his mind as she handles his body in a gentle and controlling way, guiding him around her bed as her words guide his attention to the sensuous touches she's lavishing him with. His body relaxes as his arousal grows. Then Trix starts waving her fingers in that magical way, and his trance state becomes obvious as his eyes roll and his body sags into the bed, and she gives him the command to DROP. Laid down, she continues to run her fingers all over the most sensitive places as her words captivate him. He stares into her eyes as she hypnotises him into a deep, heavy trance, sinking him into the bed, until he's completely unable to move... his body vulnerable, completely at Trix's erotic mercy as she removes his clothes to take a better look at her toy. Running her hands over his cock, Trix explains that as he gets harder, his mind gets weaker, more open to her control. "You're just a toy, and it feels good to be a toy, full of pleasure, full of desire to serve". Her programming priming him with every pump. Waving her fingers at his eyes again, his cock twitches as he drops, and her hands continue to remove the will from his mind. Each thrust down of her hand on his cock, he drops deeper, and every move up makes him more helpless. Over and over, more and more, while Marcus can only groan with pleasure. Trix implants the suggestion that every pump of his cock will bring him back down into this relaxed and helplessly hypnotised place. Once awake, Trix repeatedly triggers this heplessness as Marcus tries his best to please her, falling in a crumpled heap over and over again as he strips himself, then some of her clothes, and as Trix takes him between her thighs to tease him with the proximity to her cunt. Trix rolls him over and takes out her pocket watch, guiding his mind and body with it to give him another suggestion: at her command, the word "FREEZE" will have his muscles locking up, stiff and rigid. Trix plays with her statue a little, moving him around, until melting him down on the bed with her hands on his cock once more... And removes the suggestion that cock touches will drop him - because she wants a stiff cock that she can make use of... (in Part 2) Find our FREE negotiation and aftermath video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/mindfucked-negotiation-positions-intimacy-warm-up-aftercare Performers: Trix topping, Marcus bottoming More of Marcus: @marcus_quillan on IG & Twitter & manyvids.com/Profile/1000708910/marcusquillan/ More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnoporn production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs, tuition and coaching. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
Marcus' First Experience! Pleasure, immobility, and memory play as he's tranced by Trix video from
Marcus' First Experience! Pleasure, immobility, and memory play as he's tranced by Trix A first trance is always special: a chance to explore a subject's mind, unlock a whole new world of experiences, and figure out what affinities a subject has for different suggestions. Marcus is in the capable hands of Trix, and they're planning to do just that! Trix takes a conversational style at first, quizzing Marcus on what it would mean to be in trance: "slow thoughts" and "unable to move", apparently. Once Trix has her criteria, she sets to demonstrating to Marcus how easily she can bend his mind to her will. As he looks deep into her eyes, his expression begins to change, his words coming more slowly as Trix takes him into her power. She slowly relaxes Marcus, with looks of encouragement and praise, until he has sunk deep, his body and mind vulnerable. Growing that relaxation in his body, she makes it so heavy that Marcus is unable to move, before bringing him up, his head still able to move while the rest of him is immobile, to Marcus' clear confusion! She toys with his body, telling him that his body and mind are her plaything now. Trix gives Marcus his body back, and Marcus notices how weird and tingly he feels. Trix leans into that, increasing the sensitivity in his body and his lips, making him shudder with a trail of her fingers. Building up his arousal, she give the suggestion that his finger will feel psychically linked to his cock. Trix sets about teasing his new erogenous zone, stroking and licking and sucking Marcus' finger as he moans with pleasure and begs her not to stop. But Trix decides to find out what would happen if, with a forehead tap with his own finger, he was racked with waves of hypnotic pleasure -- and Marcus spasms and shakes as it moves through him. Finally, knowing that Marcus' lips are still sensitive, Trix decides to play with hypnotic kisses. Firstly, she manipulates Marcus' desires into an urgent desperation to feel her lips on his. But there's a catch: every kiss from Trix will take away a little more of Marcus' mind, leaving him more and more blank -- perhaps not even able to remember his name. As they kiss, Marcus becomes visibly more entranced, his mind and words moving slower and slower, his words almost slurred and struggling to remember. He just about manages it, but Trix leans in for more soft, hypnotic kisses, and finally his mind slips away entirely... Until Trix is kind enough to bring it back! Find our FREE negotiation and aftermath video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/marcus-first-experience-negotiation-and-aftercare Performers: Trix topping, Marcus bottoming More of Marcus: @marcus_quillan on IG & Twitter & manyvids.com/Profile/1000708910/marcusquillan/ More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnoporn production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs, tuition and coaching. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
Memory Play Puppet: Tranced to forget how she got into bondage! video from
Memory Play Puppet: Tranced to forget how she got into bondage! Two devious hypnotists who love dual inductions... One subject who loves mean mindfucks, psychic sadism and physical helplessness... And a nice metal scaffold frame to keep someone good and helpless! The scene begins with Moth secured in the metal bondage at her arms and neck, and her legs in chains. That only means there's no escaping from the onslaught of hypnotic words from Sinister and Trix either side of her. Quite soon, they're giving Moth contradicting instructions, competing for her attention as she becomes more and more overwhelmed, leveraging her trapped state to overstimulate her mind. The hypnotic induction builds, with eye rolls and flickering lids, until Moth is allowed an escape into deep trance. Once she's there, her hypnotists remove the memory of everything except who they are: how Moth got there, how she got into bondage, even that she agreed to do this shoot! As Moth comes out of trance, she is disbelieving and disorientated, giggling at her lack of understanding. Trix decides she wants more monologue, so she drops Moth once more, her head lolling in her bonds, as her body relaxes, and instructs her mind to give a running commentary of her confusion! When Moth comes up, we get to hear everything going on in her head as she struggles to piece together her situation. Her hypnotists laugh, telling her they've made a puppet of her! And to prove it, they begin to use trance and their fingers to push and pull and freeze Moth's face into strange positions, pulling her tongue out, opening her mouth, crossing her eyes... Moth's mind obeys and she has no choice but to be pulled around like a puppet on a string! Sinister decides to get a little more sadistic... Since they can move Moth's muscles with a hand gesture, Sinister explains that mean they can also move Moth's chest, her lungs, her throat... And with a closed fist, she takes Moth's breath away. Moth struggles as her body obeys. Her two hypnotists take turns for a while, capturing Moth's breath and holding it as hostage as her mind already is. But then Sinister has an even more cruel idea. She drops Moth deep again, and forms the suggestion that, although she'll actually be able to breathe normally, she'll FEEL as if she's on the edge of running out of air. They bring her back and Sinister tests the suggestion -- and Moth moans and struggles as she suffers, even though she can breathe, writhing around and begging for it to stop. Sinister stops, but Moth forgets to say thank you, so she starts the suggestion up again to teach MOth a lesson in manners! Moth growls and begs, until eventually she says please pretty enough to end her torment -- and says thank you very nicely. At this point, it's clear Moth's mind is defenceless to their suggestions. Trix and Sinister start draining more and more memory out in a waking trance, Moth's eyes widening as she loses more and more context. In a sad little voice she begs to know what's going on. And Trix and Sinister and happy to provide comforting information: Moth is just a puppet. Her purpose is just to be played with. Moth tentatively agrees, embracing her new identity, until she starts settling, accepting. She's just a puppet! She smiles contentedly. Dropping her once more, her 'tists tell her all her memories will return in one huge hit, a last sadistic suggestion that will shock through Moth's mind as everything is put back into place. Find our FREE Behind-the-scenes, negotiation and aftercare video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/memory-play-puppet-bts-negotiation-and-aftercare Performers: Sinister & Trix topping, Moth bottoming More of Moth: https://linktr.ee/mothmanbabe More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com More of Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
Frozen Forever: tranced and tricked into becoming their statues video from
Frozen Forever: tranced and tricked into becoming their statues The scenario is staged, but the trance is real! This is a Part Two to Blank Canvas, available here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/blank-canvas-artists-mesmerise-unsuspecting-models-to-be-mindless-frozen-and-stripped With their unsuspecting models Eryn and Jen already hypnotised into blank, empty, obedient objects whose only purpose is to be used as artistic materials, wicked artists Sinister and Trix decide to fix them into their permanent new shape as their beautiful living statue. The artists assess their materials, who are found reciting the mantra "I am a blank canvas", for their docile compliance to their will. With smiling, dopey faces, the models nod and agree to be frozen forever in cement, to be kept and displayed as art for all to see. Of course, Sinister and Trix can't help but be a little cruel... so they add the suggestion that, as soon as they're finished applying the cement and their models are fixed in place, their minds will come back out of their deep trance, and they'll realise they've been trapped and are helpless to escape. Then our artists set to work. Eryn and Jenby go deeper and deeper, more and more stuck in place as the cement coats their body, the artists applying the substance to every inch of their mindless subject's bodies. Finally, as the artists stand back and admire their work, Sinister brings their minds back with the phrase "ready to be exhibited". Jen and Eryn's eyes widen, darting around wildly as the models try their best to break out of their cement-prison. But try as they might, they're frozen in place... forever on display as Sinister and Trix's masterpiece. In reality, of course, the whole thing was a hypnotic scene! From the blank headspaces at the start, to believing the 'cement' (actually clay) was immobilising them, to attempting to escape and believing their situation can be permanent! We love how trance can bring the most fantastical of fetishes to life. Find our FREE negotiation and aftermath video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/blank-canvas-frozen-forever-before-and-after Performers: Sinister and Trix topping, Jenby and Eryn bottoming. More of Sinister: sinisterdenial.com More of Eryn: erynrose.co.uk More of Jenby: linktr.ee/jenby_doll More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
Body Control: fitness workout turns entrancing, as sub is mesmerized into a gym bimbo, a gym bro, frozen and made weak by finger snaps! video from
Body Control: fitness workout turns entrancing, as sub is mesmerized into a gym bimbo, a gym bro, frozen and made weak by finger snaps! Scarlot is a gymnast, a model, and a fitness instructor. Her every motion looks poised, balanced, perfect. Her body is strong and capable. And she's so modest about it, not wanting to show off the muscles she's worked for... Trix is going to change that. The excitement of hypnosis is all about contrast -- changing someone's capabilities to show how powerful it really is. If you control the mind, you control the body, and Trix plans to get inside Scarlot's head and make her helpless, physically as well as mentally! Wearing their tight gym clothes, Trix uses touch, breathing and eye fixation to begin her hypnotic hold over the willing Scarlot. So quickly, with Trix's suggestions, Scarlot is becoming unsteady on her feet. Trix creates a finger snap trigger, making Scarlot weaker and weaker with every snap, until she's on the floor, stunned. After a bit of fractionation and a few mantras, Trix implants the scenario that they are together so that Trix can use hypnosis to help Scarlot work on her handstands. Scarlot perseveres, trying her best to impress Trix, while secretly Trix's finger snaps are making her more and more incapable. Scarlot looks increasingly confused at her own weakness, not understand that her mind is in Trix's grasp. She goes from wobbling a bit, to barely being able to keep her legs from buckling, to a deadweight in Trix's arms, as Trix shames her for her weakness. When Trix is sufficiently amused at Scarlot's predicament, she ends the suggestion, and Scarlot stands back up, laughing almost disbelievingly at what just happened to her. Having thoroughly messed with her body, Trix decides to make Scarlot squirm another way. Trix sets up three different headspaces: a gym bimbo, who loves to show off her tight little body, to bounce and be watched when she works out; a gym bro, the typical masculine meat-head you might find flexing his muscles; and Scarlot herself, but with a heightened awareness of how embarrassed she is at how she's been behaving! Trix sets to work getting to know each side of Scarlot -- watching appreciatively as the gym bimbo does her squats, getting aggressively hit on by the gym bro -- and occasionally brings Scarlot back to witness her own behaviour (to many mortified squeaks from Scarlot!). Lastly, Trix gives Scarlot the blessed relief of being just a frozen body, no thoughts in her head. Trix picks her up and moves her around, even squats her, while Scarlot stays hypnotically stiff and rigid. And now Trix is in her head, who knows what she'll make Scarlot's body do next time... Find our FREE negotiation and aftermath video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/blank-canvas-frozen-forever-before-and-after Performers: Trix topping, Scarlot bottoming More of Scarlot: ScarlotRose.Manyvids.com & Onlyfans.com/ScarlotRose More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
Blank Canvas: artists mesmerise unsuspecting models to be mindless frozen, and stripped! video from
Blank Canvas: artists mesmerise unsuspecting models to be mindless frozen, and stripped! The scenario is staged, but the trance is real! Eryn Rose and Jenby Doll play innocent life models, hired by artists Sinister and Trix for their creative study. But our artists have nefarious purposes, and what starts as an 'innocent' exercise to help them relax into their place as a 'blank canvas' in the name of art soon becomes something more powerful, leaving them stripped, frozen and helpless! At the start, the artists requests are innocent enough: asking their models to stand, neutral, and clear their minds as they stare forward at a spot on the wall. But soon, as they're asking to repeat in unison, over and over, "I am a blank canvas", that relaxation turns to something deeper as their minds switch off. The artists encourage their subjects to completely embrace this form of thinking, their hypnotic words objectifying them, stripping away their minds. Their eyes drift close with a wave of the artists hands, and it's clear they've become helpless to understand their situation. With their bodies just relaxed, the artists begin stripping their subjects, taking them deeper so that any movements of their bodies become irrelevant -- and, if they begin to notice anything, then they can just remember it's all in the name of art! Art is good, and artistic subjects should feel no shame. Sinister and Trix pose their model's bodies according to their whims, locking them in place as they find poses they enjoy, leaving the models frozen like statues. The models minds are barely present now: they are just pretty objects. The artists move them around the room, lifting and carrying them to decide what position looks best, before lining their new objects up, along with the cloth mannequin, for storage and later use as they turn the lights out and leave. Find our FREE negotiation and aftermath video here: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/blank-canvas-frozen-forever-before-and-after Performers: Sinister and Trix topping, Jenby and Eryn bottoming. More of Sinister: sinisterdenial.com More of Eryn: erynrose.co.uk More of Jenby: linktr.ee/jenby_doll More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
Edge Forget Repeated: Sub forgets her edges, confused why she's so horny! video from
Edge Forget Repeated: Sub forgets her edges, confused why she's so horny! Kit's mind has been fucked so many times, it's easy to manipulate her thoughts, blank her out, and make her forget... Kit loves to trance, and Sinister loves to edge her toys... So why not give Kit both! Over, and over, and over! After sensitising Kit's body, Sinister uses her touch as a focus to drag KIt's mind into deep trance, and implants a simple suggestion: that at each edge, Kit will drop deeper, forgetting each time that Sinister has touched her at all, her mind concealing that information from her, locked away by Sinister's power. Each time she's brought back up, Kit will be hornier, and more blank than before, more willing, more desperate, just an edge-slut that craves fingers inside her. Sinister bring her back and works Kit to her first edge... Kit drops incredibly deep, and come back eager, slightly less going on behind her eyes, clueless as to why she's so very horny. "Shall we begin?" Kit nods and begs for the touching to start, spreading her legs wide with need. "Let's take this off then", Sinister commands, and Kit strips off her jumper. The pattern continues -- stripping, touching, edging, dropping, forgetting. Each time, Kit comes up more naked, more aroused, wetter, and more empty, her mind eroded by each edge she doesn't remember. Over and over. Sinister responds to Kit's growing arousal, groping her, slapping her tits, enjoying Kit's perplexed expression and lustful encouragement. "Want me to touch? Okay, I'll start touching if you can tell me your name" -- Kit looks at Sinister with wide eyes, confused as she searches for that crucial word... Sinister starts touching her again anyway, edging Kit faster, having her come up with Sinister's fingers already insider her, already on the brink of an edge, confusion mixing with pleasure and trance as she struggles to understand how this could be happening. With her final edge, Sinister triggers Kit to remember and feel all the previous edges, all at once, in a crescendo of need that breaks Kit's mind entirely. The suggestion ends, and they giggle and hug as Sinister praises her and Kit admits how good it felt to be a hypnotised edge-slut. FREE negotiation + aftercare video: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/edge-forget-repeated-negotiation-and-aftercare The concept for this video is based on a shoot a few years back with Sinister and Trix: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/edge-forget-repeat-orgasm-control-mindfuck Performers: Sinister topping, Kit bottoming More of Sinister: http://sinisterdenial.com More of Kit: https://linktr.ee/lisakitto ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com
It feels so good to please
It feels so good to please": tranced harem find pleasure in foot worship The power of a pocket watch in the hands of a skilled, latex-clad hypnodomme can turn those of a submissive inclination into single-minded, blissful thralls whose entire purpose is to serve, filled with pleasure as they worship the body of their Domme. And that's exactly what Sinister has in mind for the three obedient things presenting themselves to her. Jenby, Trix and Eryn are excited to see what depths of pure submission they can sink to with the power of Sinister's control filling up their minds. Together, they watch the pocketwatch swing back and forth as their eyes glaze over and their bodies relax, echoing in unison their new mantra: "It feels so good to please", over and over again. Once they've dropped deep, and are nicely programmed with the all-consuming desire to please, Sinister brings her harem out of trance to use what she's created. First, she instructs them all to kneel, and gives each brainwashed submissive a chance to beg to please... To each beg for the chance to serve through worshipping her gorgeous feet and legs. Eryn goes first, meekly and sweetly begging for the chance. Sinister sets them to repeating their mantra quietly ("it feels so good to please"), and commands Jenby to beg. Jenby begs urgently for a chance to worship Sinister's divine feet, before joining the mantra's chorus. Last, Trix is given the chance, and she scrambles up to Sinister excitedly asking to pleasure her feet and legs in the way Sinister would enjoy the most. They all repeat the mantra, letting it sink deeper, as Sinister selects Jen to be allowed the honour of first worship. Eryn and Trix look on with heart-wrenching need as Jenby gets to kiss and lick Sinister's stocking-covered foot, though Sinister assures them that even waiting is service, and it feels so good to please. Sinister stops Jen, and gives Eryn the chance to worship her her next, aching to feel the touch of their tongue to Sinister's skin, but denied that chance. Still, the pleasure of service feels so good, and Eryn sighs happily as they lick and suck Sinister's feet through the stocking. Finally, Trix is given the opportunity to remove Sinister's stocking to reveal her gorgeous, soft feet and legs. As they peel the stocking off, the three hypnosubs look on with desire in their eyes. Trix is permitted to worship next, running her hand over the sexy soles of Sinister's feet while her tongue explores and sucks her gorgeous toes, as Sinister rewards her service with more re-enforcement of her servile headspace and the pleasure therein. Eryn joins in, with Jen instructed to bring pleasure to the two foot-worshipping subs. The room is full of happy sighs as Sinister enjoys their attentions, constantly dripping more of her control into her harem's open minds. The pleasure rises and rises, and as Jen and Trix swap so that Trix can focus on kissing Sinister's neck and running hands over her skin, the three are moaning with pleasure as they worship Sinister's body. The pleasure appears to be building to a crescendo, a climax, with all three subs pleasing and feel so good as they share the worship of Sinister's perfect feet... when Sinister cruelly drops them all into trance again. Sinister lets them settle, enjoying the glow of service, before bringing them back up to all fall into a cuddle puddle on the bed together, contented and happy... it felt so good to serve. FREE negotiation + aftercare video: https://apclips.com/mesmerotic/it-feels-so-good-to-please-foot-worship-scene-negotiation-and-aftercare Performers: Sinister topping, Jenby, Trix and Eryn bottoming. More of Sinister: sinisterdenial.com More of Eryn: erynrose.co.uk More of Jenby: linktr.ee/jenby_doll More of Trix: hypnotichedonism.com ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Mesmerotic is a small hypnosmut production company run by Imaginatrix (Hypnohedonist) and Sinister. We are available for sessions, customs and tuition. Trix: http://hypnotichedonism.com Sinister: http://SinisterDenial.com

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12 Bundles Show All

MindFucked parts 1 & 2 bundle by Mesmerotic
MindFucked parts 1 & 2

Both halves of this incredibly hot shoot, at discount when bought together!


*value is $ USD required to purchase all items in this bundle individually

Lisa Kitto collection bundle by Mesmerotic
Lisa Kitto collection

Every shoot involving Kit, at 10% off! Over two hours of the best reaction faces.


*value is $ USD required to purchase all items in this bundle individually

Sensual and Soft Bundle bundle by Mesmerotic
Sensual and Soft Bundle

All our more sensual, erotic and sensation-play shoots in one bundle at 10% off.


*value is $ USD required to purchase all items in this bundle individually

Louise Red Collection bundle by Mesmerotic
Louise Red Collection

Every shoot involving Louise Red, at 10% off! Nearly an hour of intense mental play.


*value is $ USD required to purchase all items in this bundle individually

Kayleth Collection bundle by Mesmerotic
Kayleth Collection

Every shoot involving Kayleth, at 10% off! Over an hour of brainless bimbo fun.


*value is $ USD required to purchase all items in this bundle individually

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Joined Feb.03, 2020

The finest hypno-smut from lifestyle kinksters. Real hypnosis, real kink, real people.

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