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Outdoors Solo Duct Tape BJ Tease

Eager to train her mouth to be better at sucking cock, Marigoddess plans to go on a little outdoor excursion. She wants you to join in with a front row seat. She knows that the only way to keep her big fat mouth shut, is to tape it shut. One hand tied behind her back, she sloppily rips off a piece of silver duct tape and slaps it across her pretty pouty lips. Now she's sure to keep quiet until the time is right... As soon as she's outdoors, she hears someone... It seems like someone is close by so she keeps her eyes peeled while thinking about her next course of action. Tip-toeing with Her big dildo in hand, trying to be as quiet as possible, She nervously continues her quest to train her wet, warm, slippery mouth. How slutty can she get?


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