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Blue Pill Girth Maxing POV

Girth maxxxing is about to become the newest, hottest trend and you're going to love it! Who hasn't fantasized about being more substantially sizeable? With a larger cock. I'll let you in on a little secret... I've found a way to make you grow BIGGER for me. Length or girth? I'm going to max you out. Max out your girth. All it takes is following the simple instructions I lay out for you. In fact, I'll make it even easier. Feeding you my secret recipe by hand, I want you fully extended. First I tease you with the pill between my big natural tits, warming it up in between my cleavage. Listen closely... Watch intently. Open wide, start by chewing, and then swallow the little blue supplement. Quickly, you'll begin to feel the first dose taking effect. A rush. When it hits, you'll feel the size of your cock transforming. Growing more girthy. One little blue pill is all it takes, and soon you're rapidly expanding for me. There's only one way to reach your true full maximum potential... Become girth maxed for me! Contains special effects SFX to enhance the experience. Featuring: Marigoddess, girth growth encouragement, girth training, cock teasing brunette, face close ups, long nails, cutesy dirty talk, sweet sensual female domination POV.


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