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Long Brown Hair Tenderly Tamed by Older Dominant

photo of Lucy LaRueLucy LaRue

21:14 | Added 3 months ago

An older bearded man carefully brushes a young woman’s messy long brown curls before bed.
This video is for you if you enjoy: long hair, hair brushing, hairbrush, hair pulling, brush, curls, curly hair, grooming, dominant, dom, sub, submissive, smile, smiling, big hands, fingers, arms, forearms, touching, petting, real amateur fetish porn, boy girl, amateur couples, b/g, age difference, older man / younger woman, all natural, beanie, beard, bearded men, kink, taboo, tee shirt, non-nude, pajamas, sweet moments, physical touch, subspace, maintenance, aftercare, and tlc.
Trailer is 720p, 12fps without sound, full vid is 1080p 60fps with sound.
~ Lucy LaRue / @LaceBaby + HoundstoothHank


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