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I Miss My Ex Girlfriend

Lucy misses her ex-girlfriend so much she has to cum about her!!!
This video is for you if you enjoy: masturbation, solo female, hairy pussy, full bush, pussy rubbing, panties, underwear, lace, socks, sock fetish, legs, long hair, brunette, brown hair, curls, curly hair, all natural, dress, lesbian, lesbians, ex-girlfriend, queer, gfe, girlfriend, real, eye contact, candid, watching porn, frustration, girl girl, nipples, braless, dirty talk, horny girls, female orgasms, scent fetish, wet pussy, boobs, sex toy, sex toys, vibrator, magic wand, and sexual reminiscing.
Trailer is 720p, 12fps without sound, full vid is 1080p 60fps with sound.
~ Lucy LaRue / @LaceBaby


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