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photo of Lucy LaRueLucy LaRue

11:57 | Added 9 months ago

Lucy LaRue has cramps.
This video is for you if you enjoy: girlfriend experience, gfe, bare feet, barefoot, feet, foot fetish, legs, solo female amateur fetish clips, overhead shots, voyeur, candid clips, heating pad, cramps, cramping, suffering, uncomfortable women, brunette, long hair, underwear, girls in pain, panties, cozy tee shirt, full body shots, spy cam, kink, taboo fetishes, and the special kind of body affliction characterized by reoccurring abdominal discomfort, bloating, and mood swings.
Trailer is 720p, 12fps without sound, full vid is 1080p 60fps with sound.
~ Lucy LaRue / @LaceBaby


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