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Leila & I are outside drinking water enjoying the summer heat. We start talking about how often and how much we pee all the time everyday. Leila is seriously shocked by how much I have to pee. I tell her some more stories are where I almost peed my pants, and had to pee so bad in public I just had to stop to go. I finish up my water & realize how badly I have to pee. I drip water on myself and it makes it look like I pee myself. We stand up and try to get inside to go pee. Leila comes over to try to open the door but we are locked out. We sit down and try to figure out how to get back inside but my bloated belly has to pee sooooooo bad. We sit near the rocks where the dogs go to the bathroom cause we think we might have to pee outside. We problem solve & there is no answer so we just piss our pants.

Locked out, pissing, piss, pee, wetting pants, pants wetting, peeing pants, friends peeing, drinking water, full bladder, bladder relief, sweet relief

Leila Lewis & Kaiia Eve


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