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Jay Bank Presents

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Jay Bank Presents APClips.com profile

Hello Everyone! I'm currently uploading my library here but you can access the full catalog at www.JayBankPresents.com Also, if you are looking for a specific Clip #, you can link to that title @ www.JayBankDirectory.com There is a 60 second trailer to the right of each title.
PS - My *.com/JayBankPresents is only $14.99/month and you can choose ONE FREE VIDEO PER MONTH ($15 - $20) for simply leaving RENEW ON. Thank yo

61 Videos Show All

REAL 4K Japanese Amateur Asian Homemade 1-hour 42-minute Creampie Scene #23-15 video from
REAL 4K Japanese Amateur Asian Homemade 1-hour 42-minute Creampie Scene #23-15 Hello Everyone! I'm sure many of you have been wondering if I'm still on the Planet or not.. well, I most certainly am! Here is the latest edition to my Japanese Amateur Catalog. The beginning of this Scene has a little over 30 minutes of a very loose unscripted conversation that I had translated (from Japanese) with English subtitles. The model can't speak English but I had a translator that facilitated the conversation. All of the East Asian Amateurs Scenes starting around #23-7 have the long conversations. I thought that would be cool to just talk, especially since 1/2 of the conversation is in Japanese. The actual Scene is very long but there are also a few slow parts that I decided to leave in. She got a little exhausted about 40 minutes in (I don't blame her) so she just laid on top of my for 7 minutes. I was going to cut that out but then I figured it's only 7 minutes, and it's unique and natural. It's not unique in 'real life' of course, but it's unique for video production. Personally, I like real stuff, whether music, adult video, art, etc. I can't stand fabricated 'follow the leader' 'lets-do-what-they-want' type stuff. I'm not interested in any of that garbage. I digress... this Scene ends in a Creampie (because I'm not a loser) so rejoice in that! This model also has two more unreleased Scenes but I'm going to focus on getting out a ton of the American videos I've been sitting on. For 2025, ALL of my unreleased catalog will be released. There are about 30 Scenes or so not counting any of the Japanese content. I was saving them for my own site but that got cancelled for a myriad of reasons. I decided to release everything this year and simply shoot more for my future site. I have also upgraded all of my cameras to 4K so going forward everything will be shot in 4K with very good cameras (the Scene in this post had about 1/2 of the cameras upgraded, and though it's all 4K, some of the GoPros don't really look good. The color is jacked and I don't know how to fix that. I diligently tried to fix it though, and I improved it a bit, but it doesn't look as good as the new set of Sony's I use now. PS - This model has 3 Scenes released thus far, ALL with Multi-Camera Angle UnCut Bundles Available! The new Scene also has an UnCut Bundle. I will link to all of them below. Thank you! Creampie Scene #23-1: https://apclips.com/jaybankpresents/japanese-4k-osaka-s-first-amateur-creampie-scene-23-1-jay-bank-presents Creampie Scene #23-7: https://apclips.com/jaybankpresents/real-japanese-amateur-creampie-23-7
Japanese Creampie Asian Amateur in Tokyo Japan Scene #23-11 video from
Japanese Creampie Asian Amateur in Tokyo Japan Scene #23-11 Hello Everyone! Here is the latest release from my latest Tokyo, Japan Excursions! If not for Covid, I would have been there in 2020 tearing it the fuck up! But alas, I am taking a care of it now! So.. I had this 'vision' to create this content back in 2018 when I first when to Tokyo to shoot Scenes #18-30, #18-31, and #18-32 with my friend Rae. I thought, "How great would it be if I had a woman translator that would facilitate a normal natural conversation, both before and after the video!". It's also a great idea because unless you can speak Japanese you will be accomplishing FUCK ALL in that Country relative to my current venture! ALL of my new Scenes are VERY long, and they were ridiculously expensive to produce. I don't care about the expense as long as I believe in the content, and with this particular project, I definitely do! This particular Scene is 1 hour and 35 minutes counting the intro/outro conversations which are 26 minutes and 49 seconds total. The actual sex is 68 minutes. The last Scene I released was a few minutes longer even; 1 hour and 41 minutes. ALL Scenes are Creampies, Uncensored, and ALL Raw (the only way that counts). Check out the trailer and see if it interests you! There is also a 9+ Hour 10-Camera Angle UnCut Bundle of this Scene as well! I basically bundle up all of the camera angles, rendering them into separate files with NO editing, just what THAT particular camera records. The edited version is also included in the UnCut Bundle! Thank you!
REAL Japanese Amateur Creampie #23-7 video from
REAL Japanese Amateur Creampie #23-7 Hello Everyone... the moment MANY of you have been waiting for is finally here! Tokyo, Japan Japanese Asian Creampie Scene #23-7 is NOW AVAILABLE! The translations themselves took about 12 hours to complete! This has been a ridiculous (but more than worthy) undertaking! So... this is the first release from a set of 25+ UnCensored Creampie Japanese Scenes shot this year in Tokyo, Japan. I finally pulled this fucking thing off. As you can see, this Scene is EXTREMELY long! It's 1 hour and 41 minutes of runtime and that includes about 25 minutes of Japanese language interviews (with English subtitles) with the young woman, myself, and my translator. Scene #23-7 is actually her 2nd Scene that she shot with me. Her first Scene is #23-1, which is REALLY her first Scene ever by the way. This is NOT a Pornstar in Japan, this is just a regular girl. In the pre-Scene interview we talk a lot about our first Scene and how special it was (for both of us). We actually had/have a peculiar connection if you will. I actually kind of like her :::blush, blush::: and I think it's reciprocal. Anyways, the exit interview is really good too! I really hope you watch both of them and don't skip it! The interviews are free-form and lose and part of what makes this whole thing special in my opinion. Originally, I really thought that this Scene was better than #23-1 but when I was doing the trailers for #23-1 (there is a Free preview on my profile right now.. please check it out!) I actually realized that #23-1 was actually a better than this one! I think I was just so caught up in the moment during the creation of #23-7 (this video) that it just 'felt' better. Although Scene #23-7 is still one of the best I've ever done, #23-1 is actually better. It's funny, sometimes you don't realize the quality (for better or worse) until you begin the editing process. I really hope you all like this video and the whole project! Thank you! PS - the price is a bit higher than all of my other Scenes but honestly this stuff was SOOOO expensive to produce and took me years and multiple trips to Japan to even get to this point. It just has to be a bit more expensive. I truly hope that is understandable. Thank You Again! -Jay
#18-56  18yo Teen Creampie 18auditions video from
#18-56 18yo Teen Creampie 18auditions Hello Everyone, here is the 6th release of 7 videos that I shot with this hot ass Hawaiian in 2018. I've been sitting on the remaining videos for the last two videos and saving them for my membership site but I'm changing my mind and releasing them now. This video is a Creampie and it's a little over 34 minutes long. There are 4 camera angles used in the composition of the Scene. I don't think any video featuring this young woman can be bad, as a matter of fact I think she's EASILY one of the hottest models I have in my whole catalog. The final scene (#18-40) will be released in the early next year. Please check the three Pinned (Free) videos at the top of my profile to view trailers and release schedules. Thank you! ----- PS - there will be no UnCut Bundle for Scene #18-56, but if you want me to send you the camera angles (there are only 4) for FREE, you can simply request that after you purchase. Make sure you put your email address in your message, and ONLY write me here on ManyVids please! Thank you! ----- ADDITIONAL SCENES FEATURING THIS MODEL: #18-33 Creampie: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/820677/19yo-Hawaiin-Girl-Creampie-18-33/ ----- #18-33-UC 5+Hour 5-Camera UnCut Bundle: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/859632/18-33-UC-FIVE-Un-Cut-Camera%27s-5hr-33min/ ------ #18-34 Creampie: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1737859/18-34-18yo-creampie-hawaiian-teen/ ----- #18-39 Creampie: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/881410/18-39--Hawaiin-Teen-Returns!-Creampie/ ----- #18-39-UC 5+Hour 7-Camera UnCut Bundle: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/884919/18-39-UC-Seven-Un-Cut-Camera%27s-5hr-31m/ ----- #18-55 Creampie: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/972352/18-55--Hawaiian-Teen-Creampie-#3/ ----- #18-55-UC 8+Hour 8-Camera UnCut Bundle: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/981465/18-55-UC--8-UnCut-Cameras-8+-hrs/ ----- #18-56: VIDEO RELEASING December 25th, 2021 ------ #18-76 Threesome 3way Creampie: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1006153/18-76-best-teen-3-way-ever/ ------ #18-76-UC 7+Hour 7-Camera UnCut Bundle: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1006126/18-76-uc-7-hr-19min-7-uncut-cameras/
#21-34 Creampie Big Boob Big Tits x Jay Bank Presents video from
#21-34 Creampie Big Boob Big Tits x Jay Bank Presents Hello Everyone! Sorry this release is three days late! It took me a little longer to edit than I thought it would. This was shot a few months ago in NYC and it IS a creampie. The 8+ Hour 12-Camera UnCut Bundle has also been released today and you can find that here: www.manyvids.com/Video/3154566/21-34-UC-8-Hours-12-Cameras-Creampie/ ---- About 1/2 way through shooting this scene I decided, in the middle of the scene, to FaceTime with my friend Chloe in the other room. She's going to be doing a lot of camera work for me in the future (she's already shot a few scenes over the summer) and I thought it would be cool to pull her in 'on the spot'. I knew she wouldn't have cared. Anyways, she came in and did some Snaps for me and then she grabbed the POV camera and shot until the end. She also helped me with some Behind The Scenes stuff after the video ended (we went into the shower for some more dick sucking action). Take Care! ---- ADDITIONAL VIDEOS FEATURING THE MODELS IN THIS SCENE: ---- (Big Tit Blonde Girl Kay Lovely): #21-7: www.manyvids.com/Video/2834965/21-7-Silly-Hot-Big-Titty-Blowjob/ ---- #21-8: www.manyvids.com/Video/2858028/21-8-Big-Titty-HOT-Creampie-Amateur/ --- #21-15: www.manyvids.com/Video/2890739/21-15-Act-I-of-II-Big-Titty-Creampie/ ---- #21-16: www.manyvids.com/Video/2890774/21-16-Act-II-of-II-Big-Titty-Creampie/ --- #21-34-UC 8+hour 12-Camera UnCut Bundle: www.manyvids.com/Video/3154566/21-34-UC-8-Hours-12-Cameras-Creampie/ ------- (Camera Girl Chloe Temple) #18-64 POV Creampie: www.manyvids.com/Video/936707/18-64--College-Hottie-POV-BJ-&-Creampie/ ----- #18-65 Creampie: www.manyvids.com/Video/1211324/18-65-Homemade-Creampie-w/chloe-temple/ ----- #18-65-UC 4+hour 6-camera UnCut Bundle: www.manyvids.com/Video/1212471/18-65-UC--4+-Hours!--6-UnCut-Cameras/ #21-38: 3way Creampie COMING SOON!!!

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About Me

Joined May.15, 2020

Hello Everyone! I'm currently uploading my library here but you can access the full catalog at www.JayBankPresents.com Also, if you are looking for a specific Clip #, you can link to that title @ www.JayBankDirectory.com There is a 60 second trailer to the right of each title.
PS - My *.com/JayBankPresents is only $14.99/month and you can choose ONE FREE VIDEO PER MONTH ($15 - $20) for simply leaving RENEW ON. Thank yo

Age 45

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