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Mommy's Turn

Phoenix Bates is searching through her step-daughter's room for a charger, horrified by how dirty she left it. She begins walking around barefoot, when she feels something under her foot. She believes that she stepped on a bug and gets even more grossed out, wipes it off and continues looking. She gets on the floor to look under a dresser, when she feels something unusual. Pulling it out, she brings it extremely close to her eye to make sure she's seeing correctly- it's a tiny human! She apologizes, explaining that she's always wanted to try one... She tilts her head back, drops it in, and is wildly surprised with just how good it tastes! She immediately gets excited, and starts scooping more up and into her wet mouth. She also places some in her armpit hair, and between her boobs before crushing them. Once the rush is finished, she spots her charger very easily! She leaves some tinies alive in her cleavage for later and goes about her day.


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