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The Snack that Smiles Back (at me crushing it) ASMR

Catch a spine-tingling feeling creep across your back as you listen and watch while my fishnet feet crush some Goldfish crackers in this ASMR-style clip! First I start off slow, then eventually, it's easy to see why in only a little over 4 minutes, they've all been demolished! Myself and my feet are very excited to see them all become crumbs on the floor as I use one foot, both, point my big toes... stomp, pile the pieces together to create even smaller ones beneath my soles, showcase the damage on the undersides of my feet while some fall off, and more...
There's no talking in this clip, only the sheer noise of all of this happening, and loudly/crisply... to enhance your ASMR viewing experience. Enjoy!


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