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Escape Just Out of Reach| Ditria Rose does her best to obtain either her iPhone or a pair of scissors to try and get out of her predicament!

See Ditria Rose drool, muffle through her gag whilst trying to talk aloud and reason with herself, as well as do her best though ultimately fail as she tries to work against the evil bonds that have her stuck choosing between either going a little bit further (thus simultaneously choking herself because the collar she's wearing has been attached to a chain link that's fixed to the beam above her head, with not much give!) or, the lesser hopeful of the two... not do anything in order to ever possibly find her way out! She thinks, at first, that the suffering will be worth it - especially because, once her toes grasp the edge of the scissors and she figures out, slightly, how to hold and manipulate them with only her feet, considering her hands are completely taped together... her eyes light up with joy... she can see a light at the end of the tunnel! But, this doesn't prove worth it all along, because she keeps losing the scissors in an attempt to use them to her advantage and escape. What will she do now? Will she still accomplish her goal? Who is such a monster as to do this to her, to taunt her like this?
(clip length = 20:32)


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